the 18 year old was hospitalized due to a serious accident

the 18 year old was hospitalized due to a serious accident
the 18 year old was hospitalized due to a serious accident

Giulia is 18 years old, she attended the fifth year of high school in Cassino in the Frosinone area and today (June 28) she took the oral exam of maturity. So far nothing strange, except that she did not face the test sitting at a desk in a classroom, but from a hospital bed: the (IOR) of Bolognawhere in recent days the girl also did her written tests. It all started 2 years ago – they reconstruct from IOR – when Giulia, due to a bad motorbike accident, was hospitalized in Roma. Last summer he arrived at Rizzoli where he spent several months for surgery and where he returned in March for a further long stay in the department of reconstructive orthopedic surgery and innovative techniques directed by Dante Dallari.

Keeping up with your studies

Here, thanks to the hospital school, the young girl can keep up with her class: the daily teaching activity with lessons and tests is agreed between the teachers of the school of origin and those who serve in the hospital, teachers of the Institute. B. Scappi’ of Castel San Pietro directed by Patrizia Parma. In May she resigned and returned home, but then a new hospitalization in early June made it necessary to urgently activate the procedure for the state exam outside the office.

«The maturity, in addition to being a highly symbolic moment as a life passage, is also an official public act that requires a rigorous formal performance. Thanks to the collaboration between our school, the Lazio school office, the management of Rizzoli and the examination commission of the school of origin – says Antonella De Tommasi, coordinator of the Rizzoli hospital school – we managed to organize all the steps necessary to guarantee Giulia the possibility of taking her exam even if hospitalized, and we are really happy about this.”

How the exam was conducted

The written tests arrived via certified email to the hospital management, with identical deadlines to those at the Italian schools. Giulia carried them out sitting in bed, isolated by a screen, in the presence of the coordinator professor and teachers from the Scappi Institute with delegation from the examination commission established in her school. Today the oral exam was online from Rizzoli, but regularly included in her class calendar.


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