«Two thousand euros or we set fire to the bar», two extortionists end up in handcuffs

«Two thousand euros or we set fire to the bar», two extortionists end up in handcuffs
«Two thousand euros or we set fire to the bar», two extortionists end up in handcuffs

Avezzano – «Give us 2000 euros immediately if you don’t want us to set fire to your bar». This is the tenor of the threats addressed directly to a trader who owns a bar on the outskirts of the city. They were said to have been uttered by two local criminals. Fortunately, the threats were not followed by facts and the two accomplices ended up in prison on charges of extortion.

They were arrested by the police from the operational unit of the Avezzano company, to whom the victim turned to report the facts. Thus, the nightmare experienced by the young businesswoman who yesterday was subjected to an extortionate demand for 2000 euros has come to an end, under penalty of burning down the business she manages.

The victim himself, frightened by the threatening attitude and fearing for himself and for the premises managed, nevertheless managed to gain time by accepting, at first, the claims made. Immediately afterwards, however, she found the strength to go to the police and report what was happening to her.

As evening fell, coinciding with the closing time of the shops, the two, as announced during the first meeting, returned to the club to collect at least part of the requested sum. In addition to the offended party, the military personnel stationed nearby also showed up at the meeting. Before intervening, the operators managed to monitor the scene and then stopped the perpetrators of the crime as soon as they had collected a few hundred euros handed over by the victim. These are two local criminals, a 52-year-old and a 45-year-old, who thought it wrong to place their sinister attention on the management of the commercial activity. However, they did not take into account the determination of the woman and the police themselves called to resolve the dangerous affair, which has now come under examination by the public prosecutor’s office of Avezzano who has entered the two in the register of suspects for the crime of complicity in extortion. The validation hearing will be scheduled in the next few hours before the investigating judge of the Avezzano court.

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