Juventus, Lady Rugani takes center stage again

Juventus, Lady Rugani takes center stage again
Juventus, Lady Rugani takes center stage again

Stunning shots for Juventus’s WAGS, Lady Rugani increasingly sexy on social media with a shot that drove everyone crazy

Statuesque forms, perfect physique, this is the mix that makes all the followers of Daniele Rugani’s new wife dream, Michela Persico.

A stunning if always sexy beauty for the presenter and influencer who has moved the center of the world to Forte dei Marmi with the shots that in a short time have become popular on the social. Shots which, obviously, did not go unnoticed among the followers who immediately made the images popular, flooding them with likes and comments.

Juventus, Lady Rugani is increasingly sexy

Juventus, Lady Rugani Takes the Stage Again

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A physique that to define as statuesque and sculpted is almost an understatement, the beautiful Persico has an almost humiliating beauty for those around her, perfect shapes that certainly do not go unnoticed. The fear of the swimsuit test certainly doesn’t exist at home Rugani Perch.

The followers can do nothing but thank for being made participants in this treatise of local beauty that is the beautiful Michela, even if, it seems strange to say but even in this case they have made an appearance even if understanding what they wanted to criticize seems difficult …

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