“Now I’m going to set everything on fire.” Admitted to Psychiatry

“Now I’m going to set everything on fire.” Admitted to Psychiatry
“Now I’m going to set everything on fire.” Admitted to Psychiatry

He entered the emergency room of the Bufalini hospital in Cesena and caused panic, he took a bottle of alcohol, which later turned out to be disinfectant, he sprinkled himself on his body, threw it on others and threatened to give fire on everything. From here a great panic was created and someone called the police. The young man, a 23-year-old foreigner, who often sleeps near the hospital at night, appears to suffer from mental problems. On Tuesday evening the intervention of the Carabinieri from the Cesena company was necessary and, when they arrived, they found him already on the bed ready to be taken to psychiatry. However, fear was great among those present, especially those who had the liquid on them. Already in the afternoon of the same day, the 23-year-old had exhibited abnormal behavior and the police had been called and taken to the psychiatric ward from which he was discharged shortly afterwards.

The Cisl and Uil unions have intervened on the worrying episode. The secretary of the Cisl Fp, Maria Antonietta Pedrelli, says: “The episodes of violence and danger for the Ausl Romagna employees continue. On Tuesday, yet another case of a person with evident mental problems who managed to access the departments undisturbed, dousing himself with alcohol and trying to set himself on fire, putting operators and users at serious risk. However, acts of vandalism against operators also continue in the Corso Cavour facility, this time against their cars parked in the area reserved for them. We believe that the safety of operators and users is a primary objective for the management. As Cisl FP Romagna, we ask for an urgent and no longer postponable intervention by Ausl Romagna to defend the safety of employees and the many users who go to the Corso Cavour facility and Bufalini Hospital every day. This time we really expect a definitive solution to the safety problem and these episodes are no longer acceptable”.

Elisa Montanari, secretary of Uil FPL Cesena, adds: “We express great concern regarding the episode that occurred on Tuesday evening at the Bufalini hospital, where, from what we learned, a boy threatened to set himself on fire, spreading panic in the various departments. This is just one of the serious episodes that have been reported in recent times; unfortunately, thefts, assaults and threats in the various facilities are now increasingly frequent. As Uil Fpl, we ask the management of the ASL to take urgent action. Employees have the right to carry out their work feeling safe, just as users have the right not to run into risks while waiting to access services. These episodes are no longer acceptable”.

Herman Pasolini

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