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Lotito writes to the municipality, requesting a meeting for Flaminio

Claudio Lotito

Claudio Lotito – Photo LiveMedia/Fabrizio Corradetti

There Lazio keep moving for the renovation project of the Flaminio stadium. The president, Claudio Lotito, sent a letter to the Municipality of Rome in which he confirmed his desire to make the Roman facility the home of the Biancocelesti, also asking to organize a meeting to present the renovation plan project. The response from the Municipality was prompt and, through the councilor for sport, Alessandro Onorato, underlined: “In the next few days, with the mayor Roberto Gualtieri and my urban planning colleague Maurizio Veloccia, we will arrange a meeting with a delegation from the company and we will observe, in detail, the study carried out by Lazio. The objective of this administration is to return the Flaminio to the city. We will listen to Lotito’s project with great attention, but there are also two other solutions in the field. Let’s see which one will best respond to the city’s interests“.

So instead the councilor for urban planning of Rome Capital, Maurizio Veloccia: “We are obviously ready to meet the Lazio and to delve deeper into any proposal you wish to submit to us. The fact that the Flaminio Stadium and, more generally, the entire quadrant are finally returning to the center of attention with various regeneration proposals finds in the Administration not only an attentive interlocutor but also a fully active entity to promote the recovery of this historic and important sports facility in the city“.

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