Bear issue: meeting with councilor Failoni in Dimaro | Gazzetta delle Valli

Bear issue: meeting with councilor Failoni in Dimaro | Gazzetta delle Valli
Bear issue: meeting with councilor Failoni in Dimaro | Gazzetta delle Valli
Dimaro Folgardia (Trento) – Bear issue, L’provincial councilor to forests and fauna Roberto Failoni meets the representatives of the valley municipal councils.
The topic of management of large carnivores with specific reference to the presence of the bear in our mountains, it was at the center of a new discussion promoted by the provincial councilor for forests and fauna Roberto Failoni who this evening he met a Dimaro Folgarida the representatives of the municipal councils of the centers of Val di Sole.

An open confrontation with a hundred Of administrators And representatives municipal authorities and lasted over three hours during which the‘councillor and the technicians of Civil Protection Department he was born in Wildlife Service from the Province have responded to the many questions raised by local administrators who have reported the concerns and fears experienced in a valley already touched by mourning and finally rekindled by recent sightings such as the one a few weeks ago in the center of Bad. “We have explained what we are doing and will do – commented councilor Failoni – both at local level as well as in continuous dialogue with state bodies”. Among the topics touched on, for example, the question of the use of bear spray – at the center, among other things, of a meeting just yesterday in Rome with the Minister Pichetto Fratin – but also the installation of new signs, the installation plan for special proof bins bear and other communication activities.

“We have received advice – concludes the councilor – and answered questions, even tough ones, as is right among those who put their face on the line – concludes Failoni – but this second meeting in the area, and we will have others, confirms that the path of dialogue and transparency is the right one. We must not let our guard down, to protect the communities and those who come to Trentino. We must give all of them our utmost commitment to guarantee security and development of the territory.”

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