Discounted bills, if you sign this document you are protected: no more increases for electricity and gas

A light bulb on a radiator with some coins/ source Adobe Stock –

In this way you will finally be able to have a stable bill that will not include large increases in costs to be incurred.

We are in a historical period in which prices risk increasing dramatically day by day. In fact, everything now reaches high costs, which families risk going into serious difficulty to support.

One of these certainly concerns bills. Both gas and electricity have now become very expensiveand consequently when the classic letter arrives with the amount of expenses to be incurred, it is a real drain on people.

However, fantastic news has arrived recently for citizens. In fact by signing a specific document you will never have increases on your bills again.

Here’s how to reduce expenses

We are all aware that over the last few days there has been the transition from the protected market to the free one as regards the cost of bills. If the expectations from this point of view were very high for customers, who thought they would have to obtain enormous reductions on their bills, the reality turned out to be very different.

In fact, many found themselves having to pay more than they imagined, so much so that it would have been better to continue maintaining the old type of market. And it is for this reason that many people have thought about making the reverse transition. But can all this be possible? The answer is yes, although some users will have to hurry.

An elderly woman is desperate while checking a bill/ Adobe Stock source –

Returning to the greater protection market is very simple

The return to the greater protection market is allowed to everyone, both vulnerable and non-vulnerable users. As for the latter, however, they will have to act very quickly. Indeed the possibility of returning to the previous regime is only permitted until the end of June. Once this date has passed, they will be able to rely only on the free market.

We will therefore need to hurry up to make such a request, which is very simple. It will simply be enough stipulate a new contract with the company that manages the service in question in the user’s area of ​​residence, and the game will be done. Even in terms of costs you will spend practically nothing, given that to return to the protected market you will have to shell out just 16 euros for stamp duty.

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