The new Pistoiese takes shape, with Kharmoud and Logoluso Il Tirreno in their sights

The new Pistoiese takes shape, with Kharmoud and Logoluso Il Tirreno in their sights
The new Pistoiese takes shape, with Kharmoud and Logoluso Il Tirreno in their sights

PISTOIA. Rumors regarding the construction of the Pistoiese continue at an incessant pace. People are thirsty for news and therefore, although the club does not yet have a headquarters, journalists were summoned this morning at 12.15pm again to the Pistoia Nursery Campus of Vannucci Piante where director Massimo Taibi will speak for the second time.

He had already done so last May 4th in the same location, announcing that he would build a team to win. The rumors of recent days will probably not be able to be confirmed as the players bound until June 30th cannot officially accept proposals. However, all operations and projects have been endorsed and authorized by the orange patron Sergio Iorio who cannot be physically present but follows through video conferences as is now customary throughout the business world.

However, curiosity around Pistoia’s number one is very high. People are betting a lot on the man whom the financial newspaper Milano Finanza defined as “mister billion”. «At the beginning the core business was simply phosphorus – reveals MF -, that of the match head. Today at the center of development are the most innovative phosphorus derivatives (both organic and inorganic): polymers, esters and chlorides, synthetic but also completely natural products: lubricants, detergents, additives for plastic materials and much more. At the beginning it was only the Società anonima factories matches and similar products (Saffa), a historic brand of Made in Italy chemistry, which since 1929 has also been a factory for matches (Minerva and Svedesi) and products based on yellow, red (violet) phosphors ) and blacks, but in 1997, with a management buy out operation, the then general director of the Spoleto plant, Sergio Iorio, took over the small production unit from the Bonomi Bolchini family (10 billion Lire turnover and 30 employees ). In ten years the turnover had already risen to 50 million euros. By founding Italmatch Chemicals he created the foundations to develop a multinational now focused on sustainable chemistry, the circular economy and ESG solutions which aims for listing on the stock exchange (the choice could fall on Wall Street, but there is time for these decisions) and the first billion in turnover within a few years (the business plan envisages 1.5 billion approximately in 2026, maintaining the headquarters in Genoa and an open gaze on the world thanks to 19 factories, 7 research centers and 1,200 employees which in the development plans they will rise to 1,500 in about three years.” In short, a manager who chose Pistoia for his orange dream cherished since he was a child. And that Iorio also looks up to football is also demonstrated by the photo that Erika Mirandas, a Spanish journalist, published on his Instragam page. Erika, who for those who don’t know is Iorio’s daughter-in-law, to whom she gave two grandchildren, a few years ago had herself portrayed alongside none other than Edson Arantes do Nascimento, aka Pelè during an interview given to her from the “Black Pearl”. Pelè came to Pistoia in 1958 to greet the Pistoiese players who had returned to Serie C. Courses and appeals? Maybe.

Meanwhile, radiomarket reports on the possible arrival of the former Team Altamura, Anas Kharmoud, born in 2000 and Gaetano Logoluso (97).

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