Female talents and gender confluences: there is the meeting at the Casa del Boia

Female talents and gender confluences: there is the meeting at the Casa del Boia
Female talents and gender confluences: there is the meeting at the Casa del Boia

The association’s commitment to telling and reviving the stories of women who have suffered discrimination throughout history continues and who only thanks to their great determination have managed to assert their skills and thus obtain the right recognition in the professional field and in society.

L’Colored Words association together with Lucca Medical Surgical Societyat the Lucca Association of Art and Psychology (Alap)to the Study and research centre Professor Guglielmo Lippi Francesconi and others Archimede Associationwith the patronage of International Association for Art and Psychology (Iaaps) and theSalvemini Associationhave organized a debate meeting to be held on Thursday (27 June) at the Casa del Boia at 6pm entitled Poor Creatures: Female talents and gender confluences.

The theme, introduced by Daniela Melchiorrewill be developed by the writer who taught French literature at the universities of Pisa, Florence and Cagliari, Sandra Teroni and who will introduce us to the world of Simone De Beauvoir with her existential experience, and by the writer and psychiatrist Daniela Toschi who will talk to us about the controversial entry of women in psychiatry through the history of some great women whose emotional mutilation and loneliness imposed by male-oriented social conventions in the world of medicine and beyond, have made them monstrum, but ultimately managing to make enormous contributions to the scientific world and beyond. The discussion that will follow will involve young people’s associations (Youth council, Giovanisì, Young Democrats) as well as Masculine and Pluralthe Lucca group already collaborating in the past for the event on November 25, 2023 precisely with a view to gender confluence.

Committees and women’s and sector associations and the curators of will be present to contribute to the debate It’s my faulta collaborative exhibition centered on raising awareness of the issue of violence against women, who will illustrate the event in multimedia form.

We believe that shared and multi-voiced discussion represents an important way to increase our knowledge and make the topic of violence against women, in all its forms, part of our thoughts, of women and men, and not just amazement or indignation .

The evening will continue at 8pm with the social dinnerat the restaurant of Barracks San Salvatorecheered from 9.30 pm by the splendid and warm voice of Romina Malagoli who with singing will tell us another all-Italian story, that of the marginalization suffered by Mia Martini in the recital The talent of Mrs M. The proceeds of the evening will be donated toColorful Words Association to support projects regarding the prevention and combating of youth hardship, bullying and gender violence

For information and reservations, contact via Whatsapp at 349.1034933 – 339.8746260.

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