Beach Volley Tour Lazio: the great wait for the twentieth edition

Beach Volley Tour Lazio: the great wait for the twentieth edition
Beach Volley Tour Lazio: the great wait for the twentieth edition

In the suggestive scenery of the beaches Laziothe twentieth edition of the Beach Volleyball Tour Lazio, an eagerly awaited and highly prestigious event. Thanks to the support ofInstitute for Sports Creditthe Fipav Lazio has guaranteed high organizational standards and great technical and public success over the years.

Andrea Burlandi and thanks to the Institute for Sports Credit

The president of Fipav Lazio, Andrea Burlandiexpressed his emotion in view of this event, which over the years has become a flagship of the CR Lazio. The contribution of theInstitute for Sports Credit it is essential to create a high-level event, which involves couples of the highest level and promises spectacle and intensity. Let’s follow this unmissable event carefully.

The support of the Institute for Sports Credit and the promotion of sport

The Deputy Commercial Director ofInstitute for Sports Credit, Alessandro Bolisunderlined the importance of Beach Volleyball Tour Lazio as a vehicle for the promotion of sport and the natural beauty of the coast Lazio. Support for the twentieth edition confirms the commitment to the growth of the discipline, offering dedicated products and encouraging development through initiatives such as Mortgage Light 2.0.

Exciting and suggestive stages along the Lazio coast

The Beach Volleyball Tour Lazioalso supported by Lazio regionwill involve five fascinating stops along the coast Lazio. Terracinawith its historic temple of Jupiter Anxurwill be the first location to host the event, followed by Water and salt Of Maccarese, San Felice Circeo, Latin And Montalto di Castrowhich will see challenges for the assignment of regional titles.

Great expectations for the men’s and women’s tournament

The men’s and women’s tournament promises to be exciting, with numerous high-level couples ready to compete. The pair composed of is particularly awaited Oleksandr Skoreiko And Alessio Fornaro in the men’s tournament, while in the women’s tournament names such as Giulia Toti, Jessica Allegretti, Giulia Rocci And Katja Gless. Don’t miss the performance of Luna Cicola, a promising young player from the world of indoor volleyball who will try his hand at beach volleyball. Each stage promises excitement and entertainment, with the best talents competing to conquer the podium.


  • 1.
Beach Volleyball Tour Lazio: This is an annual beach volleyball sporting event that takes place along the Lazio coast. This highly prestigious tournament is supported by the Istituto per il Credito Sportivo and organized by Fipav Lazio. Each edition attracts pairs of high-level players and offers entertainment and intense competition.

2. Institute for Sports Credit: It is an organization that financially supports projects in the sports sector, promoting the development and growth of sports disciplines. Its involvement in the Beach Volley Tour Lazio confirms its commitment to promoting the sport and organizing high-level events.

3. Fipav Lazio: The Italian Volleyball Federation – Lazio Regional Committee is the organization that manages and promotes volleyball and beach volleyball in the Lazio region. Through its participation in the Beach Volley Tour Lazio, Fipav Lazio guarantees high organizational and technical standards for the event.

4. Andrea Burlandi: He is the president of Fipav Lazio and plays a key role in the organization and promotion of the Beach Volley Tour Lazio. Thanks to his commitment and the collaboration with the Institute for Sports Credit, the event has achieved great success over the years.

5. Alessandro Bolis: The deputy Commercial Director of the Institute for Sports Credit, who highlighted the importance of the Beach Volley Tour Lazio as a tool for promoting sport and enhancing the natural beauty of the Lazio coast. His role in supporting the event is fundamental to promoting its growth and development.

6. Lazio region: The regional body that supports and promotes sporting initiatives such as the Beach Volley Tour Lazio. The collaboration with the Lazio Region helps to guarantee the success and visibility of the tournament along the stages planned along the coast.

7. Oleksandr Skoreiko, Alessio Fornaro, Giulia Toti, Jessica Allegretti, Giulia Rocci, Katja Gless, Luna Cicola: These are some of the beach volleyball players who will participate in the tournament. Each pair is made up of high-level athletes, ready to compete to conquer the podium. Names such as Oleksandr Skoreiko and Alessio Fornaro in the men’s tournament and Giulia Toti, Jessica Allegretti, Giulia Rocci and Katja Gless in the women’s tournament are among the most anticipated. Luna Cicola, a promising young player from indoor volleyball, stands out as a new entry to keep an eye on.

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