Bad weather in Alto Adige, 200 interventions by firefighters – News

Bad weather in Alto Adige, 200 interventions by firefighters – News
Bad weather in Alto Adige, 200 interventions by firefighters – News

Late yesterday evening, bad weather hit Alto Adige with violent storms, hail and strong gusts of wind, causing quite a few inconveniences.

Over 200 interventions by the firefighters for flooding in cellars and garages, removal of traffic obstacles, cutting of dangerous branches and plants, landslides, landslides and debris flows. The strong wind also unroofed houses and caused damage to roofs.

In Naz-Sciaves, where the Alpenflair Festival was taking place, the participants were evacuated. The over 10,000 participants had been warned via social media that evacuation might be necessary due to bad weather, which then took place without a hitch within a few minutes.

To know more Bad-weather-in-Alto-Adige-200-interventi ANSA Agency Weekend with thunderstorms in the North and sultry weather in the South – News – The cause is a disturbance coming from the British Isles (ANSA)

In Valle d’Aosta towards a return to normality

The bad weather situation in Valle d’Aosta is returning to normal. Today an alternation of clear weather and clouds is expected with possible local showers. In the meantime, the flood alert has been lifted. “All levels are decreasing – explains Sara Ratto, manager of the Regional Functional Center – even if on the Dora Baltea the decline is very slow due to the snow melt. The trend is returning to normality.

Some bank erosion in the streams and small flooding should be noted. Today we expect reports of some landslides.” Regarding the Beauregard Dam in Valgrisenche, Ratto explains: “The volume of maximum regulation was reached in recent days, the incoming flow rate of water reached 40 cubic meters. Once the maximum level was reached, a release was triggered which reached a maximum of 20 cubic meters. This absolutely did not contribute to the flood, even at the peak of the event half of the flow was retained.”

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