last night the first ‘Sasso bis’ municipal council, here is the appointed council and the delegations –

last night the first ‘Sasso bis’ municipal council, here is the appointed council and the delegations –
last night the first ‘Sasso bis’ municipal council, here is the appointed council and the delegations –

First municipal council last night in Molini di Triora, after the confirmation of mayor Manuela Sasso who beat Mario Antonio Becciu in the last elections by just 16 votes. Manuela Sasso (candidate for the ‘Viva Molini’ list) won with 52.27% of the votes against Becciu’s 47.73% with ‘Nuovo futuro’.

On the agenda of the first meeting of the ‘Sasso bis’, after the mayor’s oath, the president and vice president of the Council were elected. Subsequently, the mayor announced the members of the council.

Deputy Mayor will be Danilo Marvaldi who will also deal with public works, municipal aqueducts and will be the ‘traveling councillor’. The position of councilor has been assigned to Gianfranco Masier who will be responsible for ordinary maintenance, the environment, roads and pastures.

The Mayor also conferred the tasks of work and collaboration with the councilors to the following Councillors: Alessandra Balbo (healthcare, air ambulance), Mauro Dazzi (commercial activities and Gal), Daniela Bianco (street furniture and cemetery), Gianluca Ozenda (services social and culture) and Angelo Gambacorta (relations with the Alpi Lliguri Park body and sport).

To conclude, the Council also elected the Municipal Electoral Commission, appointed the commission for updating the municipal lists of popular judges and the representatives of the municipality to the Union of those of the Argentina and Armea Valleys.

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