“A change in healthcare management is urgent”

The petition promoted by the La Lombardia SiCura Committee was filed in the Lombardy Region with approximately 90 thousand signatures. “It is the clear confirmation of the heavy state of discomfort in the population”, declare the representatives.

The La Lombardia SiCura Committee with the boxes containing the signatures of the petition for another healthcare system in Lombardy

The La Lombardia SiCura Committee filed this morning, Friday 21 June, with the protocol of the Lombardy Region 90 thousand signatures of the petition on health in Lombardy. “It is the clear confirmation of the heavy state of discomfort in the population and the urgency of structural actions to modify healthcare management”, declared the representatives during the press conference which was held on the 14th floor of the Pirelli skyscraper, “for a full restoration of the public health service in all its aspectsstarting from the actual cutting of the waiting lists”. Meanwhile, the process continues for the appeal against the decision of the majority of the Lombard Regional Council to prevent the referendum on the regional health law.

The petition of the Lombardy SiCura committee

These 90 thousand signatures collected, in fact, are seen almost as “training” for those that will have to be held for the referendums on regional law 33/2009. Lombardia SiCura was launched on March 1st and ended on June 10th, managing to collect 38 thousand signatures online and around 52 thousand on paper. The initiative was launched with the aim of “restore dignity and efficiency to the public health service” Lombardy, which, according to the promoters, the latest initiatives have failed to do. Among these, “the extension of the opening of public structures exclusively with extraordinary hours of social and health workers, or the extension of a role of pharmacies”, all measures “that go in the same direction as the government, which they do not address the root cause of the healthcare disaster in Italy”.

The key points of the petition were essentially five. The first concerned the Single Booking Centre, “which belatedly declared its intention to introduce”; the reduction of waiting lists, “eliminating abuse of agendas”; the stop to the use of coin-operated doctors and the hiring of staff; coverage of healthcare costs in assisted living facilities and improvement of services for the elderly; the strengthening of local services.

Lombardy is the region with the most road victims in the last weekend: there were 7 in total

The organizations and associations that have joined

The initiative saw the mobilization of numerous organizations and associations, but also of various municipal councils that approved agendas that presented the points included in the petition. Among these, there are the Municipalities of Milan and Mantua. The organizations promoting the petition (Medicina Democratica, Osservatorio Salute, Arci Lombardia, Cgil Lombardia, Spi Cgil Lombardia and Acli Milano) were also joined, among others, by: Federconsumatori, Usb Lombardia and Forum for the right to health, Sial Cobas. But also different partiessuch as: Pd, Italian Communist Party, Italian Socialist Party, 5 Star Movement, Italian Left, Civic Pact, Green Europe and Communist Refoundation Party.

The next appointment is scheduled for mid-September, when a public demonstration will be held. The petition will then presented to the Third Health Commission of the Region.

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