Coop Liguria, the shareholders’ meeting approves the budget: 136,500 euros donated to the territory –

GENOA – Coop Liguria will donate 136,500 euros to the area: this is the data that emerges from the General Assembly of Coop Liguria Members’ Delegates, which was attended by 202 Member Delegates from all over Liguria, who formally approved the budget of the Cooperative.

For five years the Cooperative has been encouraging participation in the vote through solidarity, with the formula “one vote, one meal”, that is, committing to donate a meal to local associations for each vote expressed by members. This year, thanks to the 27,295 members who participated in the vote, the donation will amount to 136,500 euros.

The sum will be divided as follows: 70,000 euros, equal to the 2023 donation, will be distributed to the associations – around seventy – with whom Coop Liguria collaborates continuously in the various territories with the Buon Fine and Dona la Spesa projects and who work to support families in difficulty.

The remaining amount will instead be used for finance specific projects on the topic of fighting poverty presented by the associations themselveswhich will be chosen by the Cooperative and then voted on by the Members.

During the Assembly, the President of Coop Liguria, Roberto Pittalisdelivered two more donations, which highlight how solidarity always plays a leading role in all the activities promoted by the Cooperative.

The first is linked to collection of Genoa and Sampdoria stickers, which took place in the stores between February and May, thanks to the partnership with the two city teams, promoted with a view to constant support for the territory. Remaining faithful to its social mission, Coop Liguria has chosen to donate 10 cents to Gaslininsieme Foundation for each package, blister or sticker album sold. Thanks to the success of the initiative, which generated a collection of just over 200,000 euros, Gaslini was given 20,400 euros which will be used to finance the “Epilepsy Surgery” projectaimed at young patients whose epilepsy cannot be treated with drugs alone.

Again thanks to the collaboration on the sticker project, Coop Liguria has joined Genoa Cfc’s “Punto ea…iuto” solidarity initiative, with which the club has committed to donating 200 euros to the Ricibo network for every point won in the championship, providing for a donation of the same amount. Thanks to the 49 points gained by Genoa, therefore, the total donation was 19,600 euros (half donated by Genoa and half by Coop Liguria), used to support the work carried out by the network in support of dozens of associations involved in the fight against poverty.

We never forget that we are a Cooperative whose mission is to generate value in the territory – explains the President of Coop Liguria, Roberto Pittalis -. For this reason, five years ago now, we coined the formula “One vote, one meal”, which has had extraordinary success, managing to constantly increase the participation of members in voting, up to this year’s unprecedented result. A result that demonstrates once again our ability to mobilize people to carry out initiatives that benefit the local area. Again to be consistent with our social mission, we also wanted to attribute a value of solidarity to a recreational activity such as the sale of stickers, choosing to donate the donation to Gaslini, because we know the fundamental work it carries out in the field of pediatric care and because it is a Ligurian excellence known throughout Europe. With Ricibo, however, we have been collaborating for a very long time as part of the “Buon Fine” project, with which we continuously donate products with damaged packaging or those close to expiry to our stores. For this reason, when we learned that Genoa supported the goal, we chose to join their project too.
This commitment adds to the discounts that we have guaranteed to our members and customers over the last year – amounting to more than 74 million euros – and is supported by the economic efficiency of the cooperative, which again this year closed the balance sheet with 10 million euros of profit”.

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