Mother has her rapist son arrested

«I’m afraid you are looking for my son». With these words the mother of the 29-year-old Colombian, arrested for the rape of an 18-year-old in the center of Pordenone, she turned to the police. The Carabinieri were already on his trail and the evidence handed over by the suspect’s mother represented the smoking gun, which completed a picture of many other converging elements.

The woman became suspicious immediately, on the night between 8 and 9 June. The son had returned almost at dawn and had immediately changed his clothes, dirty and a strange fuchsia color. The more he tried to remove stains, the more the dye thickened on the fabrics, so much so that the woman photographed them.

That morning there was also an argument between the two, the boy was drunk.

Then, after almost a week, the news of the rape appeared in the local newspapers. So mom has I looked at articles, searched for further news online and discovered that the rape had happened on the very night of the clothes and the fight. She didn’t think twice, she turned to the police. “I am a woman, I am a mother and I am worried – she reported to the provincial Carabinieri Command – I am a respectable person and precisely for this reason I fear that my son is involved in the sexual violence I read about in the newspaper”.

At the deposition he attached photos taken with his smartphone of the ruined clothing irremediably from fuchsia, an indelible dye used as a deterrent to possible attacks.

The piece of the mosaic that was needed by the investigators, who had already identified the alleged rapist thanks to the cameras and the testimony of the very young victim. They had been keeping him under observation for days awaiting the damning proof. Which was provided by the rapist’s mother.

That night the girl he had used the spray twice in an attempt to dissuade the attacker. The same spray that is used to make “dirty” banknotes recognisable. He thought about closing the circle the rapist’s sister, who provided another testimony reporting a suspicious phone call made by her brother to a relative in Spain. To avoid the risk of escape, the 29-year-old was immediately arrested.


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