Colli d’Oro Park, demolition of the eco-monster

The demolition of the ruin in the Colli d’Oro park has begunarea Labarum. In its place will arise a sports Hall. The mayor Roberto Gualtieri and the Councilor for Major Events, Sport, Tourism and Fashion Alessandro Onorato, with the President of the Municipality Daniele Torquati, started the works, which will eliminate the eco-monster.

The new structure sports planned in the park will be realized thanks to 17.5 million of the Pnrr. The end of the interventions is expected by June 2026; the construction site will open within this year. In the sports hall it will be possible to practice basketball, five-a-side football, volleyball and gymnastics.

The demolition of the ruin will cost 1.2 million in municipal funds. “It will be a strategic facility for this area of ​​Rome – said Mayor Gualtieri – and it goes towards the idea that services must be close to citizens.

We are investing European resources in grassroots sports, in the suburbs. The project does not only include the arena but also the creation of outdoor spaces and the planting of more than 140 trees selected with botanical experts.

The building will have solar panels and a green ‘forest’ above the roof which will make it even more integrated into the size of the park. This is an intervention to mend the territory and enhance a green area that the ruins made inaccessible.”

Colli d’Oro is part of a strategy to recover a series of unfinished business for the world of sport; – declared the councilor Onorato – we started from the Palatiziano, but I also remember the works in Corviale and those for Cesano and Ostia.

Rome had no basic sports facilitiesin two and a half years we will have a series of multipurpose facilities for basic sports that will enhance the peripheral neighborhoods that are the beating heart of the city.

The new building will be multifunctional and will also host cultural and artistic initiatives during the summer. We will put out a tender to find a manager but here sport will be played at municipal rates.”

All the requests of the XV Municipality have been fulfilled, – underlined the president of the XV Municipality Daniele Torquati – from the obsessive attention to tree species to the integral protection of the current Colli d’Oro park, the use of eco-sustainable materials.

Two paths that we have proposed are added to this project: one will act as a connection with the school in Largo Castelseprio, the other in the Prima Porta district.

So it’s not just a redevelopment for Labaro, but also an intervention to unite two historically separated neighborhoods. Furthermore, we have identified external parking areas to protect the park.”

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