Differentiated autonomy also for firefighters? Fears of the Fns Cisl

Differentiated autonomy also for firefighters? Fears of the Fns Cisl
Differentiated autonomy also for firefighters? Fears of the Fns Cisl


The union highlights the risks of disparity between regions for emergencies and relief

What will happen to the Regional Rescue with the differentiated autonomy to which the Chamber of Deputies has given the green light? The trade unionists of the CISL Sardinia security sector would like to understand this, if it were confirmed that the rule also concerns Civil Protection and therefore the Fire Brigade.

“Our national secretariat has already asked for a meeting with the undersecretary Emanuele Prisco and the heads of the Department”, we read in a note from the regional secretariat of the FNS CISL, “to understand what the consequences of the law in question are on the overall organization of the Police. of fire”.

“The Sardinian FNS CISL” declared the secretary Giovanni Villa, “cannot help but express strong concern, considering that already today the national fire brigade operating in Sardinia is in serious difficulty due to lack of personnel. We have seen first-hand several times, especially our fellow countrymen, the difficulties in guaranteeing timely assistance in natural calamitous events, such as floods or large fires, where unfortunately we have had human losses”.

“The question we are asking is legitimate and must be answered as soon as possible; What implications does differentiated autonomy have for the National Fire Brigade? It is a uniqueness to be preserved and should not be broken up, if anything it should be strengthened extensively. Public assistance must be guaranteed equally to all Italian citizens and in this case there must be no virtuous or otherwise virtuous regions. There would be a risk of unequal fragmentation which would damage rescue operations, making dangerous distinctions between North, Centre, South and Islands. The differentiated autonomy does not appear to be a discriminating error between human lives in need of help”, concludes the note from the Fns Cisl.

Friday, June 21, 2024

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