Farewell to the eco-monster in the Colli d’Oro Park • Terzo Binario News

Off to the demolition of what is a wound for the Labaro neighbourhood; now the redevelopment

“Goodbye to the concrete eco-monster in the Colli d’Oro di Labaro Park and welcome redevelopment. With today’s inspection of the construction site with the Mayor Roberto Gualtieri, the Capitoline Councilor Alessandro Onorato and the Council of Municipality later interrupted, leaving real havoc in the Labaro neighborhood.” Thus the president of Municipality XV, Daniele Torquati.

“A wound for one of our suburbs – explains the president – ​​on which we immediately resumed work during our first council meeting, unfortunately short and incomplete, managing only to revoke the concession and return the park to the citizens, assigning it to the Environment Department. In the following five years, with the area of ​​the building remaining at the disposal of the Sports Department, the park remained usable, but no steps were taken for the concrete monster, despite the many promises and much outcry made during the electoral campaign. ”.

A solution, Torquati insists, “found by the current municipal administration which in 2022 included Colli d’Oro within the Pnrr’s “Sport and Inclusion” project for urban redevelopment, which was then declared eligible. A participatory process with the citizens from the beginning, for the sharing of the project, which at the time was still to be defined, and the development of proposals by the Municipality and the Community”.

The mini-mayor again: “The demolition of the concrete monster regardless of the outcome of the Pnrr; the creation of a new structure scaled down compared to the previous project and suitable for the minor series for sports competitions; the use of eco-sustainable materials; the construction of a public facility; the ban on subtracting even a single square centimeter of Park for the construction of the sports facility; the creation of new car parks in the Via Lusevera area; the creation of two pedestrian paths connecting with the Largo Castelseprio school and with Via Dalmine, so as to mend the neighborhoods; the planting of new trees. All requests have become mandatory principles for us; all welcomed by the Department and the Sports Department, which I thank.”

Torquati concludes: “I don’t deny the satisfaction of finally seeing the concrete monster demolished. Another great wound in our territory that needed to be healed; a wound for which, although we are not responsible, we have instead taken full responsibility by working on it. As a municipality, we will continue to follow the process step by step, without neglecting anything and sharing all the phases with the community of Labaro”.

Published Friday, June 21, 2024 @ 13:48:01 © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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