Renewal of Tpl fleets: the Fvg Region prepares the purchase of two ships

Renewal of Tpl fleets: the Fvg Region prepares the purchase of two ships
Renewal of Tpl fleets: the Fvg Region prepares the purchase of two ships

The program for the renewal of naval fleets for LPT, which was launched by the MIT in 2018 with a budget of 262.648 million, is back in the Italian maritime landscape.

After the Sicilian Region and the Veneto Region, it is now the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region that has set up its own plan, which is the recipient of resources for a total of 3.750 million euros – 3.07 million on the basis of what was established by ministerial decree no. 52/2018 (modified by Ministerial Decree no. 397/2019) which distributed the funds of the program, plus an additional 679,338.61 euros from the same Ministerial Decree no. 397/2019 – which will forward the resources to the company that carries out transport on its behalf public (including maritime), namely Tpl Fvg Scarl, a company which in turn operates through the consortium members Trieste Trasporti, Arriva Udine, Azienda Provinciale Trasporti – Gorizia and Atap Pordenone.

The key elements of the plan are already defined in the document. This, we read, will be used for the construction of two class C naval units (for navigation within 20 miles), for which a contract must be signed (“legally binding obligations”) by 31 March 2025. In more detail, for the first, it is required to be able to reach a speed of 20 knots, carrying up to 280-300 passengers, with 50 bicycle spaces and 4 Pmr seats (for people with reduced mobility), while the second, which must also be able to reach the same speed, it must have a capacity of 150-180 passengers, 35 bicycles and three Pmr seats.

As mentioned, the timetable agreed between MIT and the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region provides for a contract (or a “legally binding obligation”) to be signed by March 2025. Other goals are set for March 2027 (the “floating realization”) and December 2027 (“commissioning and reporting”).
Once these goals have been set, all that remains is to wait for the start of the public tender for the construction of the two vehicles. For public transport by sea in Friuli Venezia Giulia, the signing of the document is already good news after the accident that occurred a few days ago to the motor vessel Audace, operated by Apt Gorizia, while it was in service between Grado and Trieste. The ship, said the regional transport councilor Cristina Amirante, has been placed under preventive seizure and will be the subject of an investigation, but at present no problems in terms of fractures have been detected for the hull. As for the restoration of the maritime connection, Amirante herself assured that a solution will be found by the end of the week.


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