#futsalmercato, the injury is a vague memory: Cus Molise takes him straight away | Live 5-a-side football

#futsalmercato, the injury is a vague memory: Cus Molise takes him straight away | Live 5-a-side football
#futsalmercato, the injury is a vague memory: Cus Molise takes him straight away | Live 5-a-side football

Lucas Henz Oechsler returns to wear the red and blue shirt of Cln Cus Molise. The universal player born in 2003, already a protagonist in the capital (where he was also called up to the Italian under-19 national team) in the 2021-22 and 2022-23 seasons, is ready to give his contribution to the cause again in the next championship. Having returned to Brazil after his knee injury, Lucas, who also wore the shirt of the Italian under 21 national team, is excited and wants to give his precious contribution to the cause. The rossoblù will most likely be brought back to the elite A2 series and Lucas’ contribution will be fundamental. “I’m happy to return to where I felt good – the player underlines with extreme enthusiasm – I spent quite a long period away from the pitch due to an injury and it was tough, today I’m healed and I can’t wait to start playing again” .

Did you follow the team’s events last season? What idea did you have?
“Yes, I followed the team and the progress of the last championship. It was a tough journey in which the group had to face many difficulties. Unfortunately it went badly from the point of view of the result also because the category proved to be of a very high level. I am convinced that with work, passion and sacrifice from next season onwards we have what it takes to immediately become great again and have fun”.

How much do you think you can give to the team next season?
“I hope to be able to help the club achieve the objectives it has set for itself by giving its all as always. I feel this shirt is mine and I am ready to give everything to achieve the best possible goals.”

How are you after the injury that forced you to stop?
“I feel great, stronger than before and this is an important aspect in view of the next championship. I can’t wait to start playing and having fun on the pitch.”

You know the environment and your teammates very well, this will undoubtedly be a point to your advantage. Is that so?
“Arriving in Campobasso, getting to know the city, the environment, the society and my teammates is an advantage. It’s as if I never left.”

The team has remained broadly the same, what are the expectations in your opinion?
“Betting strongly on the hard core of the squad that has achieved great results over the years is a good thing. Clearly, to aspire to a good championship, other reinforcements are also needed which the club is working on. I’m sure we can get some great satisfaction.”

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