REGGIO – Meeting with the philosopher Ermanno Bencivegna on Monday 1 July

REGGIO – Meeting with the philosopher Ermanno Bencivegna on Monday 1 July
REGGIO – Meeting with the philosopher Ermanno Bencivegna on Monday 1 July

It is with the presentation of the book Cosmic, intimate comedy of the philosopher, essayist and poet Ermanno Bencivegnascheduled for Monday 1st July, which closes the event In the late afternoon of the Rhegium Julii Cultural Circle.

For the occasion, speeches by the President of the host club are scheduled Ezio Privitera and of Pine Bova for the Rhegium Julii. The poet’s comments will follow Benedetta Borrata and the essayist Maria Florinda Minniti. The intervention of the scholar of logic and philosophy is expected Gianfranco Cordì. Land conclusions will be drawn by the author himself.

Graduated in philosophy at the University of Milan, Bencivenga he began his academic activity first in Canada and then at the University of Irvine in California. He has published numerous texts on the history of philosophy, dealing with logic, aesthetics, philosophy of language, essays, treatises, aphoristic writing, ethics.

He wrote among other things: Philosophy in thirty-two fables (1991, Mondadori), Playing by force. Criticism of society Entertainment society. In 2010 he published The Ethics of kant: the nationality of the property. He collaborates with La Stampa, Il Sole 24 Ore, L’Unità, la Verità.

In Italian he has published several works, including: Free logics (1976, Boribghuieri), A logic of singular terms (1980, Boringhieri), )The first book on logic (1984, Boringhieri), Invitation to philosophical practice (1988, Boringhieri), Freedom: a dialogue (1991, The Assayer), Beyond tolerance. For a demanding political proposal (1992, Feltrinelli), The method of madness (1994, The Assayer), Philosophy, instructions for use (1995, Mondadori), Plato my friend (1997, Mondadori), Manifesto for a World Without Work (1999, Feltrinelli), for fun and passion (1999, Di Rienzo), The missteps of science (2001, Garzanti), Theory of language and mind (2001, Bollati&Boringhieri), The Logic of Love (2005, Aragno), God in play (2006, Bollati&Boringhieri), the demonstration of God (2009, Mondadori), Philosophy as a tool of liberation (2010, Cortina), the disappearance of thought (2017, Feltrinelli), The theater of being(2021, Hoepli), The window on evil (2023, Hoepli). For fiction and theater he has written 11 texts.

A personality as versatile as Bencivenga could not miss the approach with poetry. the approach with the world with poetry to which he dedicated 9 texts, including Cosmic, intimate comedy a compendium of 100 songs, no more, no less than those composed by Dante Alighieri, but with language and themes linked to our time. (rrc)

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