The Italian media reinforces prejudices and stereotypes about Roma

In Italy, as well as in Bulgaria, Greece and Romania, the media continues to reinforce harmful attitudes and prejudices towards the Rom, despite the existence of laws and ethical codes that prohibit hate speech and discrimination. This is the conclusion reached by a study financed by Council of Europe and the European Union in which at least 20 television products per country were analysed, including TV news, talk shows, reports broadcast from January 2022 to April 2023 and still available on various internet platforms.

The cases analyzed

For Italy, some cable or satellite broadcasts have been taken into consideration Raiof networks Mediaset and of The 7 and analyzed two cases in depth, one negative and one positive. The first concerns the report on a young Roma who died in Rome during a search without a warrant in his home, broadcast on 29 September 2022 on A clean sweep of La 7.

The second is a documentary on the genocide of Roma and Sinti by the Nazi-fascists during the Second World War broadcast on Rai School on December 16, 2022.

“In Italy the media often selectively represent Roma as the subject or object of news on minor crimes, domestic violence and social controversies involving members of this group who live for example in the neighborhoods of some cities – indicates the study – This representation – we read still in the document – strengthens the stereotypes negative about the Roma, portraying them as irresponsible ‘clan’ people who do not take care of their children and treat women unfairly”.

Learn more:

That silent genocide of Roma and Sinti. “Systemic and current racism, still today they have no voice”

Furthermore, according to researchers, Italian media often portray Roma by focusing on their own social and economic status, whether they are rich or poor, and highlight the negative aspects of their culture. Another note is that the media narrative in Italy often focuses on the difficulties of integration and inclusion of Roma, especially on the housing situation, a very sensitive issue due to the lack of social housing available for vulnerable people.

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