Liguria system, the map of the city through “corruption and exploitation”: the flash mob in Caricamento

Liguria system, the map of the city through “corruption and exploitation”: the flash mob in Caricamento
Liguria system, the map of the city through “corruption and exploitation”: the flash mob in Caricamento

Genoa. A map of the city indicating the places considered “corruption and exploitation”. This is the map of the “Liguria System”, which will be presented tomorrow in Piazza Caricamento during a flash mob demonstration scheduled for tomorrow at 6pm.

Various acronyms organized the event including Potere al Popolo Genova, promoter of the initiative, together with the students of Osa and Cambiare Rotta, Rifondazione Comunista, the porters of Calp, Sinistra Anticapitalista and Genova City Strike. “The investigation that continues to fill the pages of newspapers confirms what we have been saying for years – we read in the press note launching the initiative – the system is rotten to the core because it is based on the private management of public goods to the detriment of everyone we who live, work or study in this Region.
It is the same system in which you have to wait months for a specialist visit, in which cooperatives and public contracts are managed to the detriment of the quality of services and workers’ rights, in which there is a structural lack of public housing and it is impossible to find a house at decent prices due to tourism and the greed of property developers. The same system that offers starvation wages and precarious jobs, in which the right to education is becoming a luxury and the cost of living is becoming increasingly unsustainable.”

“And while we struggle to make it to the end of the month, on the one hand we hear about bribes and weekends in Monte Carlo and on the other billions of public money are spent to favor clientelistic interests and build large useless works – he continues – from the new breakwater to the cable car that will devastate the territory of Oregina and Lagaccio. Not to mention the contract for the construction of the sub-port tunnel awarded to those whose hands are still dirty with the blood of those who died from the collapse of the Morandi Bridge”.

“But it is not enough to replace a few names or investigate some powerful people because the problem is an entire political class which, beyond color, always defends the interests of the usual suspects and completely ignores those of the majority of the population – concludes the press release – In fact, even on the nationally, the center-right and center-left governments, up to the government of the Melonian fascists, carry out the same policies in the economic field of social massacre, of war, of support for the genocide of the Palestinian people and of complete slavery to the European Union and BORN. Once again, while they tell us that there is no money for welfare, salaries and pensions, they find it to increase military spending and new conflicts without stopping even in the face of ethnic cleansing. There is a need to build a real popular opposition that puts the interests and needs of the community at the center to stop the system of corruption and war”.

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