“Fight against poverty and social exclusion”, meeting at the Sanctuary of Paola

sanctuary of San Francesco

PAOLA (Cs) – Friday 21st at 6.30pm in the red room of the Sanctuary of San Francesco di Paola a discussion open to the public will be held with the theme “Fight against poverty and social exclusion”.

They will report Don Bruno Di Domenicodirector of Caritas Cosenza-Bisignano, Rinaldo PerrottaVivila la Vita è bella association, Pasquale ZorobertoTogether party director, Gennaro SegretoTogether party coordinator, Caterina Provenzanoregional coordinator of the Insieme party.

As is known, in fact, the party has been in existence for just over a year “Together”which arose at a national level as the result of coordination between associations, movements and other realities of the civil world, which refers to the social doctrine of the Church and to our Constitution, has constituted in the city of Paola, as per the statute, a “Centre of Presence” coordinated and led by Caterina Provenzano, Gennaro Segreto and Pasqualino Zoroberto.

Through the Center of Presence, the party wants to represent the proximity to the citizen thus expressing the desire to become increasingly rooted in the territory.

It is in this context that the Presence Center has organized themeeting open to the public aforementioned.

«It is in the city that gave birth to an important figure for us Paolans and for Calabria, such as San Francesco, the saint of Charitasthe saint of fraternal welcome who was not afraid to denounce the powerful”, point out the organizers of the event.

«For a party of clear Catholic origin – they add – it is unavoidable to address such a burning and pressing topic. We cannot remain indifferent to the multiple needs of the person next to us. A selfish society I am in macroscopic social inequalitiessuch a blind and insensitive society cannot have a future.

The aim of the meeting will be to clarify the concept of “poverty” understood not only as a lack of economic resources but in a “multidimensional” vision which ranges from the deprivation of material goods to a poverty of interpersonal relationships, as a limit to the integral development of the person.

We will look for the causes, denouncing the absence of institutions and the fragility of the social fabric. The analysis of these multiple needs must be followed by indications of responses and solutions that aim at building a society of equals. Therefore, search with the collaboration of all men of good will” to make words become concrete.

We address ourselves in particular to Catholic world to whom we ask to have more self-confidence and courage in becoming protagonists for the change of our world, but also of all other sensitivities and cultures, because poverty, in the long term, impoverishes everyone”, the organizers say.

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