The most awaited day. Almost three thousand on the benches for the final exam. Crackdown on cell phones

The most awaited day. Almost three thousand on the benches for the final exam. Crackdown on cell phones
The most awaited day. Almost three thousand on the benches for the final exam. Crackdown on cell phones

Today, with the first Italian test, the state exams begin for 2,956 candidates for the high school diploma (last year there were 2,982) distributed in the high schools of the province: 2,901 internal, who have regularly attended the course of studies, and 55 external, the so-called “privatists”. The vast majority concern candidates from state schools, few from private schools. The commissions (78 throughout the province, for a total of 155 classes) made up of a president, three external commissioners and three internal commissioners, have already taken office on Monday with the “plenary meeting”, during which they were the organizational procedures for carrying out the exams have been developed.

Over half of the candidates (around 1,500) are concentrated in high schools, with science leading the way, followed by linguistics, human sciences, classical, artistic and dance. A thousand candidates in technical institutes, most of them in the technological field, fewer in the economic one. The rest, around 500, concerns professional institutes in their various branches. Among the graduates there is no shortage of dozens of adults who have attended evening courses. At 8.30 this morning the Ministry will communicate the key for opening the electronic package with the traces of the first test. Tomorrow, however, will be the turn of the second test, which concerns the disciplines characterizing the individual study paths. Also in this case, the key to open the electronic packages with the traces will be published, again at 8.30. Starting next week, the oral interview will follow, which has the aim of ascertaining the achievement of the educational, cultural and professional profile of the students. The measures to prevent access to the Internet and artificial intelligence, therefore the use of cell phones or even smartwatches, are increasingly stringent. And it is important to be clear that the use of these technologies during the tests leads to the invalidation of the exam. Mobile phones and anything else (apart from certain calculators for the second test, specifically indicated by the Ministry of Education and Merit) must be turned off and handed over to the commission before the start of the test. A non-negligible underlining.

A survey conducted by on around a thousand high school graduates revealed that almost one in four students mistakenly believes they can keep their smartphone during written tests; 6% of the students interviewed even think they can use it during tests; 17% of students believe they can use the smartwatch in written tests, as long as it is not connected to the Internet. It will be best to avoid it, otherwise you will risk the exam. Meanwhile, as always, the “toto trace” goes crazy, usually promptly denied. Many think of Gabriele D’Annunzio, Luigi Pirandello or Alessandro Manzoni, but also of Robert Oppenheimer (120 years since his birth), the First World War (110 years since the beginning of the conflict), or Italian Television (celebrating seventy years ). And, then, like last year, artificial intelligence; the topic of feminicides, and other current topics.

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