Alatri, meeting on “how to turn on a light in the dark”

“Switching on a light in the darkness” is the title of the sharing and listening meeting on the topic of suicide scheduled for next June 29th in Alatri. According to the World Health Organization, every 40 seconds a person takes their own life, so much so that suicide is the second cause of death among young people after road accidents. The causes may be multiple but the majority of people at risk of suicide want to live, even if they cannot find within themselves possible alternatives to their difficulties. Faced with this problem, many families have raised explicit requests for greater attention and listening, the possibility of coming together to reflect and find themselves together. “Alatri nel Cuore” and “Radici” responded to this appeal, two important associations of Alatri which together with Don Luca Fanfarillo, a priest of great humanity who in recent years has become a point of reference for our territory, involved “ AMA Ceprano”, an association which in the province of Frosinone deals with the prevention of youth suicide and with support for families in grieving for the suicide of a loved one, to promote a sharing and listening meeting which will be held on Saturday 29 June at 5.30 pm in the parish hall of the “Immaculate Heart of Mary” church of Laguccio in via del Sacro Cuore in Alatri. “Switching on a light in the darkness, feeling the need to intervene on a topic that for many is still a stigmatized taboo that often prevents people from asking for help, increasing discomfort and loneliness and with them the thoughts of death of our young people, so that we can continue to believe in life which is a source of hope and we can educate ourselves about the pain that we are all inevitably called to encounter.” This is the meaning, in the words of the organizers, that animates this precious meeting to provide prevention and above all to offer fundamental support to a wounded community.

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