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found in the house, next to the body a note and a gun

The news began to circulate on Monday morning: the general Claudio Graziano70 years old, president of Fincantieriit has been found died in home. Within a few minutes, here was the confirmation. Not it is an illness: a note and a gun were found next to the body. A shock, of course.

Among the first to comment (here are all the reactions), Antonio Tajani: «The passing of General Claudio Graziano leaves me speechless – wrote the Foreign Minister on X -. He was a friend and was an extraordinary officer who brought honor to Italy, even in his European roles. May a prayer accompany him on the journey to reach his bride.” A non-random quote, probably. Graziano, in fact, he had lost his wife Marisa on April 11, 2023, just over a year ago. A trauma, which had deeply pained him.

«I am shocked by the news – she says Giorgia Meloni in a note -. He leaves us an upright servant of the State, who throughout his life brought honor to the nation, the armed forces and the institutions with dedication, competence and professionalism.” The President of the Republic recalls his figure as a “generous and loyal man of the institutions, capable of always putting his competence and professionalism at the service of the Republic, qualities demonstrated in the important national and international top roles held during his long career”. , Sergio Mattarella.

The general was a high-ranking officer, loved, esteemed. Chief of Defense Staff for three years (from 2015 to 2018) and then President of the Military Committee of the European Union. In May 2022 the leap to a civilian position, in one of the companies representing the economic and strategic heart of the StateFincantieri (indicated by the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti).

Born in Turin, in 1953, Graziano had trained at the Military Academy of Modena. So an all-growing path, up to the command of two very delicate operations abroad. The first, in 2006, at the helm of the Multinational Brigade Kabul in Afghanistan (for which he directed numerous humanitarian initiatives in the context of reconstruction and first aid activities); and in 2007, when the Secretary General of the United Nations awarded him the role of Force Commander of the Unifil mission in Lebanon. Graziano was also a ski instructor and a great mountain enthusiast and expert.

Forever supporter of the defense of Ukraine, Gratian had been among those who had supported the need to accelerate the creation of a European army. And with his experience at an international level he had begun to give a strong steering role to Fincantieri’s business (after 20 years of Bono’s presidency). Today the tragic and sudden end.

A little while ago too Fincantieri has issued a note, which expresses «immense pain for the sudden passing of General Claudio Graziano, which leaves a great and unbridgeable void». While the CEO and General Manager of the company, Pierroberto Folgiero said that “today he died not just a great leader, who dedicated his whole life to Italy, but also a great manager and a great friend.”

Meanwhile, the news of Graziano’s death was welcomed by the Fincantieri stock, listed on Piazza Affari, with a dip in the red and a loss of around 3 percentage points.

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