Social week: what protection for minors in the digital world?

The assembly of the Chamber of Deputies has included in the agenda the provisions for the implementation of differentiated autonomy, health care for homeless people and the provisions for the support of the National Health Service (we talked about this in a previous item). In the Senate there is only one point on the agenda, the introduction of the direct election of the Prime Minister.

For the rest, deliberations continue in the Commissions on the bills included on the agenda for some months now.

I would like to point out to you legislative decrees 1136 and legislative decree 1160 (Provisions for the protection of minors in the digital dimension) two legislative proposals that deal with a current and complex problem have recently entered the calendar of the competent Commissions. There is no doubt that the pandemic has accelerated the entry of large segments of the population into the digital world, but as often happens in our country, everything proceeds in the name of an emergency without even the slightest level of education and preparation being planned beforehandin this case to life in the digital world.

But the data on which the two legal texts reflect concerns a segment of the population that is dear to all of us and the sector associations, we are talking about the millions of children and adolescents who entered the public and private digital dimension willingly or unwillingly during the two years of the pandemic. Undoubtedly we are talking about a great opportunity to be promoted, but for the good of boys and girls we will not give up on giving this entrance a minimum of rules to protect their well-being and their rights. The pathologies induced by excessive use of digital are known: anxieties and depressions, sleep disorders, obesity due to poor mobility, cyberbullying and cyberpornography, both incubators of violent behavior and unhealthy emotions.

If the business model in the digital dimension of adults is represented by the unequal exchange of personal data in exchange for services, all to the advantage of the platforms, we cannot allow this scheme to enter the world of childhood and adolescence without rules as is already happening causing damage to the well-being of children and adolescents. The phenomenon of baby influencers who crowd social network platforms with video and photographic content used to promote goods and services is well known., children who do not even have the minimum age required by the platform manager himself who, coincidentally, is “satisfied” with an age verification based on a simple declaration from the user. Paradoxical if we think about the barriers foreseen in the “physical world” which requires a rather rigid and regulated certification for access to services for minors. The gaming context also plays an important role, a context in which children and adolescents are paid for the time spent playing video games, and the better they are, the more they are paid.

Another phenomenon is that of sharenting which consists in the practice of parents sharing their children’s multimedia content on social media without involving them, using them for their own purposes, including commercial ones, unaware that images and videos can be freely reproduced on sites for child pornography purposes.

The two bills, although with different approaches, have the same objectives. I’ll go by titles: there are provisions for verifying the user’s age with amendments to law 977/1967; rules and regulations for the validity of contracts for services offered by information companies; regulation of proceeds deriving from the dissemination of images of minors and right to deletion of data; expansion of the child emergency number 114; annual report to the Chambers.

As usual, below, the bills included this week in the calendar of the permanent commissions of the House and Senate are divided into areas.

Institutional Affairs

ddl C. 331​ Amendment to article 44 of the Constitution concerning the social and urban recovery of urban suburbs and internal areas.
ddl C. 1737-A​ Establishment of the National Day of Urban Suburbs.
dl 2, 21, 131 and 918 Rules regarding the attribution of surnames to children.
ddl 1135 Crimes of sexual violence against women in armed conflicts.
ddl 1086 Highway Code, approved by the Chamber.
ddl 787 Exercise of the right to vote in a municipality located in a region other than that of residence, approved by the Chamber.
ddl C. 1835​ establishment of the Day of Italian internees in German concentration camps during the Second World War.
ddl 57, ddl 203, ddl 313, ddl 367, ddl 417, ddl 443, ddl 459, ddl 490 and ddl 556 Provisions regarding the direct election of the presidents of the provinces, metropolitan mayors and mayors.

Healthcare and health

ddl C. 741​ and abb. Provisions for the prevention and treatment of obesity.
ddl C. 433​-555-A​ provisions regarding health care for homeless people.
ddl 1161 DL 73/2024 – Waiting lists.
ddl 824 approved by the Chamber, and ddl 245 and 475. Rules regarding the fight against maternity surrogacy.
ddl 227 and ddl 726 Territorial medicine.
ddl 483 Protects people suffering from chronic-degenerative eye diseases.
ddl 623 Celiac disease.
ddl 898 Provisions for the protection of people suffering from epilepsy.
ddl 734–938 Provisions regarding the protection of mental health.
ddl 483 Protects people suffering from chronic-degenerative eye diseases.
ddl 898–122–269–410 Protects people suffering from epilepsy.
ddl 990–599–1006 Eating disorders.
ddl 1037 Mototherapy, approved by the Chamber.

Environment and territory

ddl C. 1896 Urgent provisions regarding building and urban planning simplification.
ddl 276, ddl 396 and ddl 1054 Provisions for the development and valorisation of mountain areas.
ddl 1162 dl 76/2024 Reconstruction and civil protection.
ddl 948 Amendments to the framework law on protected areas.
ddl 1162 dl 76//2024 – post-disaster reconstruction, civil protection interventions and holding of major international events.
ddl 658 Italian capital of sustainable mobility.
ddl 29, ddl 42, ddl 761, ddl 863, ddl 903, ddl 1028, ddl 1122 ddl 1131 Urban regeneration.
ddl 1054, ddl 276 and ddl 396 Provisions for the development and valorisation of mountain areas.
ddl 1049 Proposal for the promotion of projects with a social impact on the territory.

School and childhood

ddl C. 1902​ converting into law the decree-law of 31 May 2024, n. 71, containing urgent provisions regarding sport, educational support for students with disabilities, for the regular start of the 2024/2025 school year and regarding universities and research.
ddl C. 1691​ Establishment of the technological-professional training chain.
ddl C. 1771​ amendments to the law of 17 October 1967, n. 977, regarding the use of minors in digital platforms for sharing multimedia content, as well as provisions on the dissemination of the image and multimedia content of minors.
ddl 404 Abduction or detention, including abroad, of minors or incapable persons.
Legislative Decree 314 State sharing of expenses for minors in communities or institutions.
ddl 492 Musical nursery schools.

Social and Third Sector

ddl C. 505​ Amendments to the consolidated text referred to in the legislative decree of 16 April 1994, n. 297, as well as the legislative decree of 28 February 2021, n. 38, regarding the use of school sports facilities by sports associations or clubs.
Doc. XXII, n. 23 Establishment of a parliamentary commission of inquiry into national demographic trends and their economic and social effects.
ddl 1133 dl n. 60/2024, containing further urgent provisions regarding cohesion policies.
ddl 837 Public residential buildings.
ddl 972 ddl 1145 Measures to raise consumer awareness of the adoption of virtuous conduct aimed at reducing food waste.


ddl C. 142​, C. 1000​ and C. 1505​ provisions to encourage the reduction of working hours.
Draft legislative decree implementing Directive (EU) 2022/431, which amends Directive Act no. 157 2004/37/EC on the protection of workers against the risks deriving from exposure to carcinogenic or mutagenic agents at work.
ddl 1066 Rules for the development and adoption of artificial intelligence technologies.
ddl 1146 Artificial intelligence.
ddl 672 Simplifications regarding labor and social legislation.
ddl 647–739 Work placement of people with autism spectrum disorders.


ddl 1020 Amendments to law no. 145/2016 on Italy’s participation in international missions.


ddl 413 Production and sale of bread.
ddl 507 On the promotion of the memory of prison, internment and concentration camps in Italy.
ddl 568 Promotion and protection of dance.
ddl 939 Enhancement of medieval Benedictine abbeys and settlements.
ddl 970 Regulation of video game competitions.
ddl 279 and ddl 503 Support for amateur musical associations.

Photo by Emily Wade on Unsplash

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