here are the visits you can do in Fvg

The revolution is – almost – complete. And in Friuli Venezia Giulia we are preparing for a new leap in quality: making clinical tests in the pharmacy something standardized. Indeed, it has an agreement with the regional health service. The consultations, once an agreement has been reached between the pharmacists and the Region, can therefore also be free. The negotiation has begun and in the meantime the system of visits to the pharmacy is already well established: 70 percent of the points of sale offer the possibility of carrying out tests and dozens of lives have already been saved thanks to a consultation carried out outside the health facilities.

The painting

The change has already taken place, but it is in the last six months that the number of pharmacies able to offer something (indeed, much) more than the “simple” resale of medicines has increased fivefold throughout Friuli Venezia Giulia. In this case, Federfarma’s estimates come in handy, which now speak of a vast majority of sales points: two out of three pharmacies (equal to 70 percent) are able to offer their customers basic clinical tests or a real own telemedicine service, therefore with a professional doctor connected remotely. And often the largest and most structured sales points make both one and the other service available to their customers. Not bad, in a healthcare context characterized by endemic difficulty in accessing tests in larger facilities. The next step, however, will definitely be the most important. And also the crucial one to really help the regional health service.
«There are already four-five regions in Italy – explains the Pordenone president of Federfarma, Francesco Innocente – which carry out the tests in pharmacies in an affiliated form». Exactly like private clinics do, then. And in that case the consultation is “passed” by the public system, therefore it is free for the end user. In Friuli Venezia Giulia, ironclads have already been put in the water, even if a signature on the framework agreement is still missing. «But we are carefully evaluating the possibility – reports Francesco Innocente of Federfarma once again -. There are ongoing talks with the Region.” And in this case the number one contact to complete the operation is naturally the regional health councilor, Riccardo Riccardi. A collaboration, that between the Region and the local pharmacies, which was clearly consolidated in the terrible years of the pandemic, when pharmacists were involved in the complex machine of prevention and mass vaccinations. Now we are ready to take another step towards customers who also become patients.

The results

A machine, that of pharmacy tests, which even without the decisive leap in quality represented by the agreement with the regional health system, is already working great. In fact, dozens of lives have been saved thanks to an incorrect value found during a medical consultation in the pharmacy. «Three only in my pharmacy last year – explains once again the number one of Federfarma Pordenone, Francesco Innocente -. These were people who, following the exam, were hospitalized for serious illnesses.” And that without those exams they would probably have wasted precious time, putting their own lives at risk. “There are many cases: 112 is called immediately and several lives can be saved.” The most requested tests in pharmacies are those that concern the heart (electrocardiogram in the head) and blood pressure control. And they range from the elderly to young athletes.


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The Gazzettino

The revolution is – almost – complete. And in Friuli Venezia Giulia we are preparing for a new leap in quality: making clinical tests in the pharmacy something standardized. Indeed, of…

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