Flood, from the Social Center and the Sasso Morelli Sports Center 4 thousand euros for the Municipality of Conselice

Flood, from the Social Center and the Sasso Morelli Sports Center 4 thousand euros for the Municipality of Conselice
Flood, from the Social Center and the Sasso Morelli Sports Center 4 thousand euros for the Municipality of Conselice

Four thousand euros. It is the sum that the Social Center and the Sports Club of Sasso Morelli, during an Anpi lunch, donated to the Municipality of Conselice thanks to the “7-a-side football tournament” held in 2023 shortly after the flood. The amount will be used to restore the civic center of the Ravenna town which was severely damaged by the events of May a year ago.

«Sasso Morelli was fortunate not to have been, if not to a lesser extent, substantially affected by the flood and to be able, like every year since 1989, to carry out the now classic 7-a-side football tournament – ​​they say from the Board of Directors of the Polisportiva and the Sasso Morelli Social Center -. In those difficult days, the volunteers and the entire community immediately moved towards the flooded towns to help the families free their homes from the mud and took action to collect food and basic necessities. Thus the tournament, which takes place between the last days of May and the month of June, also gave the opportunity to contribute to the reconstruction. If the first aid was mainly aimed at the town of Sant’Agata sul Santerno, during the demonstration we came into contact with people from Conselice, another community strongly affected. That’s where we decided to donate the proceeds from the tournament to them.”

On that occasion, the donation of 250 euros each to the primary school and the primary school of Sasso Morelli was also announced. Over the years, both have been the historic consequence of the so-called “Egg Festival”, which was then interrupted first due to the construction of the new Social Center and then due to the pandemic. «Sometimes we are struck by how such strong experiences of solidarity can arise from tragic events – concludes the Welfare councilor, Daniela Spadoni -. Well these are a sign that places of aggregation, such as social centers and sports clubs, where people meet to build positive relationships and have beautiful experiences, are educational places of solidarity. There too you learn to care for others, and not to forget those who have experienced or are experiencing truly sad moments and need help. This is why we wanted to make this solidarity action known to all citizens, so that, even if time passes, we do not forget the communities that have suffered great suffering. As long as there are places like this, we need not fear for our humanization.”


In the photo: the delivery of 4 thousand euros to the Municipality of Conselice

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