«The council speaks clearly. Which friendly cooperative do they intend to help?”

«The council speaks clearly. Which friendly cooperative do they intend to help?”
«The council speaks clearly. Which friendly cooperative do they intend to help?”

«They said that it would only be a temporary suspension dictated by budgetary needs, but this is not the case. The Tarasconi council has in effect cut free services for families to go fishing in their wallet.” This is how Giancarlo Tagliaferri, regional councilor of Fratelli d’Italia, intervenes regarding the news from a few days ago – relaunched in the press after the communication from the Educational Directorate of the seventh Circolo of Piacenza addressed to the parents of the students regarding the activation of the service for the the 2024/2025 school year – the suspension of the Auser management of before and after school services in the city.

«Evidently this Administration is not on the side of families – Tagliaferri continues – who knows, perhaps here too they are trying to adopt the now consolidated system in Emilia-Romagna of benefiting friendly cooperatives, not caring about the increases in costs for the parents».

«I fight this system every day in Emilia-Romagna and I am ready to fight in Piacenza too if choices of this type are implemented – concludes Tagliaferri – while waiting to finally be able to send the left home in our Region and, then, in Piacenza ».

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