The baker will be able to sleep at night. In class to make bread during the day

The baker will be able to sleep at night. In class to make bread during the day
The baker will be able to sleep at night. In class to make bread during the day

The changing world of bread, and a better life for bakers. A revolution in the white art is possible: bakers are trained to move production from night to day. It is the new training path started by the bakers of Assipan Confcommercio Pistoia and Prato. A paradigm shift, in fact, potentially revolutionary for the profession, from many points of view.

There are already other experiences in the country where people work by sleeping more at night, the dough is prepared the day before, technology is used. And then higher quality bread and a better life. Explaining the contours of this initiative is the president of Assipan himself, Alessandro Cioni, returning together with a dozen colleagues from an intensive course held in Parma, organized by Lesaffre Italia (world leading group in the field of yeast and fermentation) . “We have concentrated – he explains – on new dough processing techniques, both for large and small breads, and for desserts. They are made with a precise quantity of natural yeasts and then left to mature. The real turning point is that they can be prepared during the day.”

The bakers could therefore, even in Pistoia, change the approach to their method: “In addition to the fact that we could avoid the usual night work, the best feedback we would get is that of quality. Working the products during the day means offering a product always very fresh, because it has just been made, and the quality level also rises further”.

That the interest in this approach is concrete is certified by the fact that the course will be repeated next Thursday 4 July, this time in the area: Lesaffre will move to the Alberghiero in Montecatini, to immediately begin training the new generations. In the meantime, here are two appointments which could help bring the evolution of the classical profession to Pistoia soon

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