all the candidates for the European elections who still don’t know whether they will be elected or not

The 2024 European elections ended last Sunday, but for 12 candidates the fate is still uncertain. In fact, it depends on what choice those MEPs elected in multiple constituencies, such as General Vannacci and Ilaria Salis, will make. Meanwhile in Rome the votes of 78 sections are still missing: Alessia Morani (Pd), overtaken at the last minute by Marco Tarquinio by a handful of votes, doesn’t agree and announces an appeal.

In the photo: Ceccardi (Lega), Chinnici (FI), Orlando (Avs) and Maran (Pd)

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The 2024 European elections closed almost a week ago, but the names of the 76 elected MEPs who will represent Italy in the next European Parliament are not yet definitive. Not only for the “ballot chaos” in Rome, where 78 sections are still missing to be counted and for which Alessia Morani (Pd) – who at first seemed certain of a seat, before being overtaken by Marcus Tarquinius for 1,400 votes – said she was ready to appeal. But also because some candidates were elected in multiple constituencies and will therefore have to free up at least one seat. For example, the highly rated Roberto Vannacci (Lega), which obtained more than half a million preferences, was elected in four constituencies and will have to choose one: there are therefore as many MEPs from the League aiming to occupy the three places that the general will have to give up. The puzzle – which also concerns Pd, Forza Italia and Avs – will be resolved within fifteen days. According to the legislation, in fact, from the moment of the proclamation – expected in 7 days – candidates in multiple constituencies must choose within 8 days which constituency they intend to represent.

The Avs case: everything depends on Salis and Lucano

One of the most intricate situations concerns the Greens and Left Alliance. The party of Fratoianni and Bonelli obtained six seats. Three of these will certainly go to Ignazio Marino, Mimmo Lucano and Ilaria Salis, but six other candidates remain in the running for the remaining three seats. One of the main suspects to go to Strasbourg is Leoluca Orlando, who came third (as head of the list) in the Islands behind Salis and Lucano. For the other positions, it will necessarily be necessary to take into account the balance between the green area candidates and those of the Italian Left party. Here because Cristina Look, known for its environmental commitment, has an excellent chance of making it. It will be enough for her to hope that Mimmo Lucano does not choose to represent the North-East constituency, but aims to make his victory count in the South (in this case Francesco Emilio Borrelli, who already has his position as deputy in Montecitorio, would be left out). More uphill, however, is the election of two other candidates active on climate issues such as Giovanni Mori (national spokesperson for Fridays for Future) and Benedetta Scuderi, despite the fact that for the latter a signature collection – entitled The courage to dare – aimed at convincing the leaders of the Green-Left Alliance to choose candidates with greater sensitivity to environmental issues. Another who could still hope is the LGBTQIA+ activist Marilena Grassadonia, who came second in the Center behind Ignazio Marinowho theoretically could make his result count in the North-West: however, it seems difficult for the latter to give up representing the territory in which, as he himself declared on Fanpage, many Roman men and women support him.

Source: Youtrend

The candidates in the balance in the other parties: Ceccardi and Chinnici are still hoping

In the League everything is in the hands of Roberto Vannacci. The general was elected in the North-West, North-East, in the Center and in the South. However, he can only choose one of these constituencies and consequently there are four Northern League candidates ready to take over, but only three places available. Aldo Patriciello, candidate for the South, is among these the one who obtained the most preferences of all (over 70 thousand). He can legitimately hope to go to Brussels, also because he has sat in the European Parliament for almost 20 years, all spent in the ranks of Forza Italia, a party that he abandoned on the eve of these Europeans to run with the League. The others who cultivate hopes are Susanna Ceccardi (candidate for the Centre), Paolo Borchia (North-East) and Angelo Ciocca (Northwest). The latter, MEP for two legislatures, is the candidate most in the balance: he has often been critical of Salvini and according to some rumors the secretary of the League would never have forgiven him for the foundation – together with Umberto Bossi and others – of the internal current Northern Committee. Vannacci declared on the issue that he will decide “together with Salvini, in the next few days”.

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Even the future of Caterina Chinnici (Forza Italia) remains uncertain. His entry into the next European Parliament depends on Edmondo Tamajo, regional councilor in Sicily who obtained 120 thousand preferences. The hope of Chinnici, very close to Antonio Tajani, is that the party can push Tamajo to continue her work in the region, thus paving the way for her to Brussels. The situation in the PD area is no less tangled. Alessandro Zan was elected in two constituencies: depending on his choice, between the North-East and the North-West, Andrea Zanoni (Veneto regional councilor) or the councilor of Milan could rejoice Pierfrancesco Maran. Or, the third scenario: both will in fact go to Europe if Zan remains in Montecitorio to carry out his functions as a deputy.

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