An exhibition for the 50th anniversary of the death of Adolfo Saporetti

An exhibition for the 50th anniversary of the death of Adolfo Saporetti
An exhibition for the 50th anniversary of the death of Adolfo Saporetti

From 18 to 23 June at the Europa Gallery in Lido di Camaiore it will be possible to see more than 30 works by maestro Saporetti. The works mostly come from private collections while others are owned by the Anne and Adolfo Saporetti Archive, the organization organizing the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the death of Adolfo Saporetti with the support and patronage of the Versilia Tourist Promotion Consortium.

On 3 December 2024, fifty years will have passed since the death of Adolfo Saporetti (1907-1974). Camaiore, the city where Saporetti lived the last years of his life, remembers this painter who painted hundreds of paintings between Milan and the village of Casoli. The exhibition focuses on the production period of Adolfo Saporetti between 1962 and 1974, years in which he enjoyed the curatorship of his friend Vittorio Grotti.

“The set of works that will be present at the Europa Gallery are the result of the work that the Archive has been carrying out since 2020. We have undertaken the curatorship of Adolfo but also of Anne Saporetti, his wife and like him a recognized artist – he comments Rea Coskinas Saporetti – we thank the Tourist Promotion Consortium and the Municipality of Camaiore who wanted to contribute to this series of celebrations: the first of which will be this one at the Europa Gallery”

“The valorization of the historicized artists of our territory can be a real tourist attraction – he comments Carlo Alberto Carrai president of the Consortium – starting with the Hostel, which among other things we are treating as a showcase on Camaiore for the eyes of pilgrims passing along the Via Francigena; and today on the seafront of Lido di Camaiore, at the Galleria Europa. An extraordinary period developed around Saporetti, which valorized Versilia. Artists like Murabito and many others have left an important artistic legacy in Camaiore”

The inauguration will be held Tuesday 18 June at 6.30pm with the cutting of the ribbon with institutional greetings and the announcement of the next initiative for 2024. The exhibition will remain open every day from 6.30 pm to midnight.

The exhibition is sponsored by the Municipality of Camaiore and the Municipality of Pietrasanta.

For information 328.5845665

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