Civitavecchia, night of great work for the Fire Brigade

Civitavecchia, night of great work for the Fire Brigade
Civitavecchia, night of great work for the Fire Brigade

Civitavecchia, a night of great work for the Fire Brigade –

Civitavecchia, a night of great work for the Fire Brigade

A night of great work for the Civitavecchia Fire Brigade.

At 22:30 they went to via della Fedeltà, Civitavecchia, for an apartment fire. Arriving promptly on site they immediately started extinguishing the fire and searching for any people involved in the structure.

The speed of the fire brigade averted the risk of the fire involving the entire apartment.

Fortunately at the moment there are no people inside.

State Police and 118 health personnel on site. Operations to extinguish a shed containing bales of hay on the Santa Severa Tolfa provincial road have been underway since 05:00.

The men of the Bonifazi, with the crew of the 17A and tank trucks, are guarding another barn in the immediate vicinity and the Mediterranean scrub adjacent to the structure.

The collapse of the structure, measuring approximately 500 m2, due to the high temperature that developed, made the extinguishing operation difficult.

The Cerveteri Fire Brigade and a Civil Protection team arrived on site to help with the possible reclamation of the perimeter.

No injuries were reported.

The shutdown operations have not yet taken place.

Civitavecchia, a night of great work for the Fire Brigade
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