Topofonie is born, the project that maps the sounds of Friuli

Topofonie is born, the project that maps the sounds of Friuli
Topofonie is born, the project that maps the sounds of Friuli

The project that maps the sounds of Friuli.

Ears wide open and a curious frame of mind: these are the essential ingredients to take part in the project TOPOFONIE of the Continuo APS – Spazioersetti association that yes officially opens on Sunday 16 June in Pontebba, along the Alpe Adria cycle route (ex Ferrovia Pontebbana) with a bicycle concert for bells agree.

The TOPOFONIE project (, from Greek “topos” (place) and “fonè” (sound, voice) – in which anyone can take part by sending an appropriate report to the website – was born to create a map/rediscovery of acoustic treasures of Friuli Venezia Giulia and its surrounding areas, putting al the center of attention is the sense of hearing.

The creators of the project, Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchisound and spatial artists known for the Spazioersetti Gallery and for the exhibition Il Suono in Mostra, held in Udine in six editions (2016-2021), thus broaden the boundaries of their operations to the entire region and even beyond it, to propose and share the search for soundscapesthe appreciation of landscape or architecture through the refinement of the ear, in order to create a real tour guide for listeners. The project is highly sensitive to environmental issues, in particular to that of acoustic ecology, against noise pollution and also to the theme of eco-sustainable tourism, which favors travel without motor vehicles, by bicycle or on foot.

From a perspective of education in conscious listening, a single approach is promoted cultural tourism on the movethe sound is at the same time opportunity to visit architectureand, city corners, landscapes as well to deepen reflections on anthropological and social phenomena and cultural, as happened during a preview of the project in Longarone, last October 2023, with the ringing of the bell of the church rebuilt after the Vajont.

THE Places/Sounds to look for can be linked either to artificial constructions or to anthropic activities (architectures with particular acoustics, sounds generated by industrial equipment or other), or being immersed in the natural environment: from the crackling of a frozen lake, to the song of crickets, from the loudest waterfall to the longest echo, from the dripping of drops in caves to even the quietest place that can be “heard” in the region. The research/discovery of TOPOPHONIES includes both acoustic phenomena to be listened to passively and those that require a voluntary act to manifest themselves, such as echo or reverb effectsas will happen with the concert for tuned bicycle bells along the Alpe Adria cycle route.

THE bells, made in a thousand examplesthey were filed and tuned by hand one by one and have each a different and unique soundthat yes will reverberate in the tunnels scattered along the route travelled on Sunday 16 June between Tarvisio and Chiusaforte by the participants, who will be provided with some simple “musical” indications. The intervention is part of the Continuo-Spazioersetti project of playful education in conscious listening.

On the same day of June 16th, upon the arrival of the cyclists in Pontebba, the TOPOPHONIA will be inaugurated inside the pedestrian tunnel which passes under the railway. In the tunnel, more than one hundred meters long and equipped with a fascinating reverberation, it will be revealed the installation by Dutch artist Jan van der Ploeg, born in 1959, winner of the Royal Award for Modern Painting in 1990. The harmonious color composition of geometries and lights that will characterize the tunnel it was designed specifically for this place by the author, who will be present at the inauguration.
To mark the moment, a performance for saxophones and electronics by musicians Mattia Tomat and Enrico Leonarduzzi will be offered by Art Connection FVG.

It will be organized for participants on June 16th also a BICI BUS with departure and return from Udine. In case of bad weather the event will be postponed to the following weekend.

The project boasts among its partners the Municipality of Pontebba, Art Connection FVG, La Chiusa cooperative society, Organic Audio, Fantoni, KINOkašča/CINEMattic, Fondazione Progettoaiutoutism FVG onlus, ANFa.Mi.V. APS-ETS, SPS-Solutions for daredevils, Post Office Stations and as technical partners Bell Italy – Production of bicycle bells and accessories, Sikkens, Zeroidee cooperative society; as Media Partner Radio Onde Furlane.

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