Forehand and reverse drops the bomb on the Liguria case: “The PD network between business and politics”

Forehand and reverse drops the bomb on the Liguria case: “The PD network between business and politics”
Forehand and reverse drops the bomb on the Liguria case: “The PD network between business and politics”

The Liguria case is enriched with new elements and new inevitable controversies. The first and most important news is the request for the revocation of the house arrest of the governor Giovanni Toti on which the court will rule in a few days. Then the unclear background to the Genoese investigation, reconstructed by Sara Scorpati on Dritto e Rovescio on Rete 4. The report from Paolo Del Debbio’s in-depth program reveals sensational new details on what is happening and has happened in Liguria. Starting with the request to revoke house arrest for Toti: the investigating judge Paola Faggioni will decide, at the center of the controversy after an investigation by Libero. According to what was reconstructed by the newspaper, Faggioni is the daughter of Maria Rosa Biggi, municipal councilor in Genoa from 2002 to 2012 for La Margherita and for the PD and candidate for regional councilor in 2010 on the “Claudio Burlando president” list.

Read also: Toti, red robes in action: the prosecutors still want to keep him under house arrest

Libero’s article triggered a harsh reaction from the ANM, the National Association of Magistrates, which accused the newspaper directed by Mario Sechi of having made “an unacceptable profiling of the alleged political opinions of Dr. Paola Faggioni’s closest family members to discredit the impartiality and professional correctness of my colleague”. The report then cites the interception, now known, in which the entrepreneur Aldo Spinelli claimed to have financed the campaigns of almost all the political parties, including that of the senator of Italia Viva and former Democratic Party, Raffaella Paita. Alleged links between the dems and the entrepreneurs of the port of Genoa which: “They would not be confined only to Spinelli – explains the journalist – three prominent exponents of the Democratic Party play very important roles in the companies of the entrepreneur Mauro Vianello, head of various companies strategic for the affairs of the Port of Genoa”. Important elements given that Vianello is at the center of the investigation for corruption of the port authority which at the time was Paolo Emilio Signorini, CEO of Iren in prison after the judicial earthquake that shook Liguria. Vianello-Signorini: a relationship, according to the Prosecutor’s Office, cultivated by the entrepreneur by dint of gifts to obtain – thanks to the help of Signorini – a subcontract from Autostrade per l’Italia. A bond that culminated with a meeting between the two and the CEO of the company and in which Davide Gaggero, PD manager, would take part.

Read also: Giovanni Toti remains in the saddle: “The shoulder attack failed”. The motion of no confidence was rejected

Backstory after backstory that comes out of the investigation papers and in which the relationship between the Dem leader and Vianello seems very close. The purchase of a Smartwatch through a company whose sole director is Gaggero is just another piece of the reconstruction of the Mediaset program. Another element is the second meeting organized by Signorini with Autostrade. Meeting that Vianello proposed to hold in the provincial headquarters of the Democratic Party in Genoa. But why this choice? This was explained to the Mediaset reporter by an anonymous Dem leader who confirmed Vianello’s presence in the headquarters and his close relationship with Gaggero, controller of the management and political organization of the party in the region and the only one able to use the offices independently for his business meetings. A complicated tangle of relationships.

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