Employment in Liguria, data for the first three months of 2024 and comparison with 2023

Employment in Liguria, data for the first three months of 2024 and comparison with 2023
Employment in Liguria, data for the first three months of 2024 and comparison with 2023

Employment in Liguria grew by 2.41% in the first three months of the year compared to the same period in 2023. The number emerges from Istat data which has just been published. In the first quarter of 2023, there were 612 thousand employed: 272 thousand women and 340 thousand men. In the first quarter of 2024, employed people increased by 627 thousand: 345 thousand males and 282 thousand women. The figure is decreasing, however, compared to the fourth quarter of 2023 when there were 643 thousand employed in Liguria. In detail, compared to the 612 thousand employed in 2023, there were 467 thousand employees (217 thousand women and 250 thousand men) and 145 thousand independent workers (55 thousand women and 90 thousand men). Regarding the 627 thousand employed in 2024, there were 479 thousand employees (228 thousand women and 251 thousand men) and 149 thousand independent workers (54 thousand women and 94 thousand men).

The number of employees in the ‘commerce, hotels, restaurants’ sector is growing, +10 thousand units (from 137 thousand to 147 thousand), the number of independent workers is decreasing (from 51 thousand to 41 thousand), but the number of employees is increasing (from 86 thousand to 106 thousand). Finally, there was a decline in industry with employees going from 135 thousand to 132 thousand.

“The employment situation in Liguria remains to be monitored with great attention – comments Luca Maestripieri, general secretary of CISL Liguria -. Given a slight increase compared to the period January-March 2023, the comparison with the data for the last 3 months of 2023, just as the loss of 3 thousand workers in a crucial sector for the local economy such as manufacturing, a direct consequence of the many still unresolved industrial crises, should give cause for satisfaction, however, the increase in the number of employees in tourism sector, the result of a regional pact that we have strongly supported since its first edition and which should represent an example to be exported to other sectors”.

The CGIL also processed some data through the head of the Economic Office Marco De Silva. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2023, a decrease of 15,775 employed was recorded, equal to -2.5%. The industrial sector (of which construction is part) also showed a negative sign, losing 3,143 employees in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period of the previous year, reaching 132,324 total employees. Construction was very bad, dropping to 39,046 employed and where employed workers decreased by a third (-10,294). Services, on the other hand, are growing, reaching 485,999 employed “The fluctuating trend in employment is the result of increasingly accentuated precariousness: now 80 out of 100 of the new hires are precarious – comments Maurizio Calà, General Secretary of Cgil Liguria -. The data employment no longer reflects a condition of serenity and economic sustainability for workers who are often underpaid, suffer involuntary part-time work or work contracts lasting a few days”. On the topic of precariousness, the CGIL is committed to collecting signatures to be able to present a specific referendum question that cancels the liberalization of fixed-term contracts to limit their use to specific and temporary reasons. “The rest of the data speaks clearly – adds Calà – the sector which is growing the most is the services sector, where precarious employment is traditionally the most widespread form of recruitment. Now three-quarters of those living in Liguria are employed in services, while the industrial sector and especially construction are losing ground: betting everything on one. single sector is to the detriment of the added value expressed by the traditional production sectors and represents a form of political short-sightedness and a dangerous drift that we have been denouncing for some time.”

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