Clashes in the Chamber, more protests. The opposition: “Fascists out”, the senators occupy the Chamber against the prime minister. Pd, M5S, Avs and +Europa on Tuesday in the square in Rome

Clashes in the Chamber, more protests. The opposition: “Fascists out”, the senators occupy the Chamber against the prime minister. Pd, M5S, Avs and +Europa on Tuesday in the square in Rome
Clashes in the Chamber, more protests. The opposition: “Fascists out”, the senators occupy the Chamber against the prime minister. Pd, M5S, Avs and +Europa on Tuesday in the square in Rome

We return to the Chamber, after yesterday’s kicks and punches in the Chamber during the vote on the autonomy bill, with the 5S deputy Leonardo Donno out in a wheelchair hit by a colleague (or more) of the opposition. Work resumes, the session on the Autonomy bill in the Chamber and the premiership in the Senate. And the controversies and protests start again. “Fascists out of Parliament”, shouted the opposition deputies who also chanted ‘Bella ciao’, after the M5S deputy Ricciardi he went to attack the number two in the League Crippa who would have said that ‘Bella ciao’ is worse than Decima. The brawl continues. While the G7 is there “we are giving a worse image than the one we normally give. It seems like harakiri to me”, observes the president of the Senate Ignazio La Russa.

Before resuming the examination of the bill, Elly Schlein convened the assembly of the parliamentary groups of the Democratic Party. The line: return to the Chamber to continue the work and avoid “falling into provocations”. Not only. The dem secretary then wants to hear “the leaders of the other oppositions to evaluate possible joint actions”. And she assures that “the opposition will be very harsh against reforms that undermine the country’s constitutional system. We will not pass off this attack as a normal event, what happened cannot go unnoticed.” And here is the first joint action: on Tuesday Pd, M5S, Avs and +Europa will be in the streets on Tuesday 18 June in Rome, at 5.30 pm in Piazza Santissimi Apostoli, with the slogan: ‘Let’s defend national unity’. Because “after the physical attacks of the majority in Parliament we cannot accept that the country is also hostage to this climate of continuous intimidation”. “We will not allow national unity and cohesion to be compromised. For this reason we invite the citizens, the political and social forces, the civic and democratic ones of this country to join our mobilization”.

“Come many of us to the square, let’s show ourselves, let’s wave our Tricolore. Let’s say no to this climate, let’s say no to these attempts at cowardly aggression”, he writes on Facebook Giuseppe Conte.

New protests in the Chamber

Meanwhile, the session in the Chamber has started again. And the controversies immediately began again when work resumed. The opposition signed up to speak in the minutes, contesting the fact that yesterday’s brawl was referred to as ‘unrest’. “Obviously – said the Democratic MP Federico Fornaro – what happened yesterday cannot be summarized in the minutes with the words ‘disorders’: the combination, especially regarding the last phase of the session, is an attack. It is a question of clarity between us.” The vice president on duty, Sergio Costa, recalled that the minutes do not show the parts in which the sitting is suspended. “They weren’t riots but a squad attack,” he said Marco Pellegrini of M5S. “It was a short step from the citation of

Chamber, here’s how the fight broke out: the images from the Chamber

The Northern League player Crippa, the X Mas and Bella ciao

The controversies continue. This time they are the statements of the Northern League deputy secretary Andrea Crippa on the ‘Tithe’ gesture, mimed yesterday in the Chamber by his colleague Domenico Furgiuele, to raise the tension in Montecitorio. What if for me the gesture of the Decima is a bad gesture? “For me it is more important to sing ‘Bella ciao’, because communism has led to millions of deaths. Unfortunately, communists still exist in this Parliament”, the words of the number two of Matteo Salvini stigmatized in the Chamber by the vice president of the M5S Riccardo Ricciardi. “Reading these things is something that is neither in heaven nor on earth. It’s a shame, you should leave this Chamber and be ashamed”, shouts Ricciardi. A new riot breaks out in the Chamber. The opposition deputies begin to chant “Bella ciao” and then chant in chorus “Fascists out of Parliament”. The session was once again adjourned.

Back and forth between Donno and Bitonci

And the accusations were also shared between the attacked Donno and members of the majority. “I just wanted to make a symbolic, absolutely peaceful gesture” of handing over the tricolor to Minister Calderoli. “I was accused of wanting to attack the minister, but fortunately there are the images. There was a squad attack by several right-wing deputies”, says Leonardo Donno to Agorà on Rai 3, after having had a three-day prognosis” The undersecretary of Mimit Massimo Bitonci, of the League, also a guest of Agorà, and present yesterday in the Chamber in the government benches, disagrees with the Five Star Movement’s story: “In reality Donno was trying to wrap the flag around Minister Calderoli”. “Shame on you, I expected the majority and the government to distance themselves”, replies Donno. “No, shame on you”, replies Bitonci, who defends the Calderoli bill.

Meanwhile, the members of the Bureau of the Chamber chaired by Lorenzo Fontanatogether with the police commissioners, are viewing the images of what happened yesterday in the Chamber. Those summoned are: Igor Iezzi, Domenico Furgiuele and Stefano Candiani of the League; Leonardo Donno of the M5S; Enzo Amich, Gerolamo Cangiano and Federico Mollicone of FdI; Vincenzo Amendola, Andrea Gnassi, Arturo Scotto, Claudio Michele Stefanazzi and Nicola Stumpo of the Democratic Party.

Premiered in the Senate, the opposition waves the Tricolore

Work also resumed in the Senate on the bill on the premiership but there was no quorum resulting in the session being suspended for 20 minutes. Noting the absence of several senators from the majority, Beatrice Lorenzin at the second vote in the chamber he asked for the quorum to be verified. The vice president Licia Ronzulli he had to note the absence of a sufficient number of senators and suspended the session.

Then resumed amid protests. The opposition senators waved the Tricolor in the Chamber and in response their colleagues from the majority sang the Mameli Anthem during the vote on the amendments to the premiership. Vice President Ronzulli suspended the session once again.

But the protests don’t stop. Against the attack on the deputy Leonardo Donno, the opposition senators occupied the government benches in the hall of Palazzo Madama showing the Italian flags, “the action took place after the intervention of the M5S group leader in the Senate, Stefano Patuanelli, who he said ‘the Republic cannot be humiliated by those who do not accept the tricolor being handed over to them’, we read in a note from the Movement. Who then decided to leave the Chamber, an initiative to which the Pd and Av also joined. In the end, the Senate approved the amendments to article 7, which contains the second pillar of the reform, with the regulation of crisis government, including the power of the elected prime minister to obtain the dissolution of the Chambers from the President of the Republic, were approved. The majority groups voted in favor, the minority against. And the OK was also given to Article 8, the last of the bill, which contains the transitional rules and subordinates the entry into force of the reform to the approval of the implementing electoral law.

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