Lazio, fans protest: transport lines diverted

The June 14th is coming and with it also the protest announced in recent days by North Curve towards the company. The ultimate aim of the protest is to challenge the club for what has happened and is happening in recent months: the resignation of Sarri in March and of Tudor in June, the hiring of Marco Baroni, with a coaching curriculum that is anything but how excellent despite the miraculous salvation obtained this year with Verona, the farewells of Felipe Anderson and Luis Alberto who will probably be replaced by players with little-known names.

The details of the protest


As announced on social media by the exponents of the Curva Nord, the peaceful protest will begin at 6.30pm under the North Curve of the Flaminio stadium and we loudly ask that we arrive with Lazio flags and/or shirts. Curva Nord also announces that the procession will then move in front of the Church of the Gran Madre of Ponte Milvio and that the demonstration will last until late in the evening to give everyone the opportunity to participate.

The Rome Mobility notice

A procession of this kind will certainly also influence mobility, which is precisely why the official website of Rome Mobility informed citizens that some bus lines could be diverted. Below is the press release:

From 6.30pm to 9pm, under the north curve of the Flaminio stadium, between Largo Mario Mazzuca, Via Dorando Pietri and the area below on the Corso Francia viaduct, a demonstration by Lazio fans to “ask for a club closer to the fans and the reopening of the Flaminio Stadium as a Lazio stadium”. Subsequently, the fans 1,500 are announced (but there could be more, ed.), will move to the square of Ponte Milvio, according to an itinerary agreed with the police forces on site. Traffic: no parking on viale Tiziano, from via Mario Rutelli to the intersection with Lungotevere Salvo d’Acquisto; piazzale Ponte Milvio, from viale di Tor di Quinto to via Cassia; via Dorando Pietri; wide Mario Mazzuca; parking between the north curve of the Flaminio stadium and on the Corso Francia viaduct. Possible deviations for the lines 2Bus – 32 – 53 – 69 – 168 – 200 – 201 – 301 – 446 – 910 – 911.

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