the boat that hit her has been identified


June 11, 2024


The cameras at Villa Rosebery filmed the incident and seized several boats that correspond to the vessel that hit the girl.

Cristina Frazzica (photo from Facebook)

The search for the pirate boat which, on Sunday 9 June, in the waters of Posillipo, hit the canoe in which Cristina Frazzica, a 31-year-old researcher from the PharmaTech Academy of Federico II, and the Neapolitan criminal lawyer Vincenzo Carmine Leone were traveling, appears to be at a turning point. , 33 years old, killing the girl: the type of vessel was identified and the Port Authority seized several boats that correspond to the characteristics, among these would be that of the accident. The investigators had recovered a video, recorded by security cameras, from which important evidence emerged, although not sufficient to definitively identify the vessel.

Cristina Frazzica hit and killed at sea in Posillipo

The images were extrapolated from the surveillance systems of Villa Rosebery, one of the three official residences of the President of the Republic, in front of which the accident occurred. To shed light on the death of the young researcher, born in 1993 in Taurianova (Reggio Calabria) but resident for some time in Voghera (Pavia), the Naples Public Prosecutor’s Office is working in synergy with the judicial police (Port Authority, Maritime Police and Vigili del Fire). The victim’s parents arrived from Lombardy and met the investigators. An autopsy will be carried out on the young woman’s body and an assessment will be carried out on the overwhelmed canoe.

“It was a fireball, we dived into the sea”

Vincenzo Carmine Leone, the young Neapolitan criminal lawyer who was on the kayak with Cristina Frazzica, told the newspaper Il Mattino about those tragic moments. Still in shock, he spoke of “a fireball” that was moving at high speed, with the bow “high up, as if it were rearing up”. He did not see who was driving or how many people were on the vessel, but he remembers only one detail, which could prove useful for the investigation: the pure one was not white.

The professor of Cristina Frazzica, who died in a kayak: “A girl with a bright future, she had chosen Naples”

The two, he said, did everything to get the driver’s attention but to no avail. So, when the impact was imminent, they jumped into the sea. Cristina Frazzica would have been overwhelmed by the propellers at that point, while the young lawyer saved himself, she further explained, by trying to stay underwater for as long as possible. Then, when he got back up, he saw the body of her friend but he was unable to help her; he reached the kayak and asked for help from a passing boat.

Mourning at Federico II for the death of Cristina Frazzica

Cristina Frazzica had been, since November, a student of the PharmaTech Academy high training course of the Federico II of Naples, attending lessons at the Scampia Complex. She was one step away from completing her internship at Nouscom, a company based in Campania which, in the selection phase, had disputed her: she would have completed it at the end of June. In July she would have completed her training course. The Neapolitan university remembered her with a post of condolence and closeness to her family:

The University of Naples Federico II, the National Center Foundation for the development of gene therapy and drugs with RNA technology, the fellow students of the PharmaTech Academy and all the staff of the Scampia headquarters join in the family’s pain for the tragic loss.

The Prefect: “Powerful device for safety at sea”

At the end of this morning’s meeting in the Prefecture on safety at sea, the prefect of Naples, Michele of Barihe explained that “there is a powerful device that we are putting in place: through the police forces on land and the Roan of the Guardia di Finanza and the Harbor Office at sea, we must work together to stop these illegal situations“.

The condolences Municipality of Taurianova: “Clarification on the tragedy”

The girl was originally from Taurianova, a Calabrian town in the province of Reggio Calabria; her parents, although they had long since moved to Voghera, had returned there to give birth to her and her twin sister. The municipal administration expressed condolences for the tragedy, hoping that clarity will be clarified as soon as possible:

We represent a very widespread feeling in our community at this time regarding a tragedy on which we hope that full light will be shed as soon as possible to provide truth and justice. Seeing a young life shattered in this terrible way causes a wave of rejection that we want to address by offering the most total solidarity to her family and to those who mourn her at this moment, in Lombardy as in Taurianova itself.

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