The European Championships leave us with a bipolar Italy: Giorgia vs Elly. The M5S collapses

Fdi is still growing and has a share of 28.9%, while the Schlein-led PD is also doing well, at 24.5. M5s instead collapses to 10.5%, followed by Fi-Nm which goes to 9.2% and surpasses a Lega (8.5%) which apparently does not monetize the Vannacci effect, with the general who is nevertheless elected to the ‘Eurocamera. Flattering result for Avs (6.8%) who rejoices and sends Ilaria Salis to Strasbourg. Holding breath, however, for United States of Europe which at the latest screening – the fifth – is dancing below the 4% threshold (3.9%) as is Carlo Calenda’s share listed at 3.2%. But one above all is the fact that stands out.

And it is the new historical record of abstentionism: only 49.67% of eligible voters – less than one Italian in two – went to the polls (at the last European elections in 2019 there were 54.5%, down compared to the round of 2014 when the percentage was 57.22%). A fact, but above all a trend, which opens up reflection in both the majority and opposition parties. Meanwhile, Giorgia Meloni rejoices, the only case in Europe of a prime minister in office to win the competition (“Italy presents itself at the G7 and in Europe with the strongest government of all”, she claims), who she followed from home with her sister Arianna made the first screenings and then joined journalists and activists at the Parc des Princes for a more in-depth analysis of the vote. “This is a more beautiful vote than the one in 2022”, she explains, underlining that “after two years of government in the worst possible situation” the vote she told us “we don’t hope that you are but you are”.

“It’s an extraordinary result for us, we are the party that is growing the most in politics”, says Elly Schlein from the Nazarene on the other side who sees “the distances compared to FdI closing” and feels a strong responsibility “to build the alternative ” continuing “to be stubbornly united” to “build the alternative” also in light of the fact that “the sum of the opposition forces exceeds that of the majority”. A completely different mood – however – can be felt at the headquarters of the 5 stars who with Giuseppe Conte announce “an internal reflection” taking “noticing of the result, which is certainly very disappointing”. “We could have done better” is his bitter observation in the face of an “unquestionable citizens’ evaluation”. Antonio Tajani instead rejoices: “An extraordinary result, Forza Italia is growing compared to all the last elections” says the Italian leader who immediately adds that “from tonight, the center-right and the EPP are stronger” thus removing possible clouds over the majority. Indeed, according to what is reported, among the Azzurri there is trust, moderation, calm and an eye is already turned to the formation of the new EU Commission.

“The center is in the centre-right”, observes Maurizio Lupi of Noi Moderati who ran together with Fi, announcing “from next week, once the flow of votes has been carefully analysed, a reflection on this” in light of the results of the European elections of the FI-list Nm and those of Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda. There was a gloomy climate, however, in Via Bellerio, the headquarters of the League in Milan where Matteo Salvini first did not hide his bitterness for the Azzurri’s overtaking and for the “betrayal” of Umberto Bossi at the polls who declared that he had voted for Forza Italia. Then he sees the glass half full: “For a year everyone has been giving us up for dead, but we are alive and lively”, he says, asking to make a comparison with the policies and “with a zero point more, there is satisfaction”. Just as there is the expected success in terms of preferences for Vannacci, his personal “all in” in these European elections which he will ultimately see assigned to the League – according to the first estimate made by Opinio Italia for Rai – 6/8 seats from 29 that it had in 2019, with Fratelli d’Italia which instead quadruples them (from the current 6 to the future 23-25). The Democratic Party is stable, going from its current 19 seats to 20-22, just as Forza Italia is also stable (currently has 7 seats and will have between 7 and 9) while the 5 Star Movement drops, from 14 to 8-10 seats.

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