European elections: Pd, center-right is no longer majority in Liguria – News

European elections: Pd, center-right is no longer majority in Liguria – News
European elections: Pd, center-right is no longer majority in Liguria – News

“The vote in the European elections gives us the fact that the centre-right is no longer the majority in Liguria, the Ligurians have their pockets full of this centre-right, or rather ‘full’ no, because they have emptied it, given that there are 200 thousand Ligurians who spend more than a thousand euros a year on treatment.” Thus the secretary of the Pd Liguria Davide Natale comments on the outcome of the European elections in the Region, where the centre-right with FdI, Lega and Forza Italia-Noi Moderati-EPP reaches 44.08% of the total votes, compared to 44.16 % of the possible alliance Pd-M5S-Alleanza Verdi Sinistra, which added to the votes of United States of Europe, Action, Peace, Earth and Dignity would reach 54.48%.

“The Democratic Party is building a shared project for Liguria, the opposite of the center-right which imposes choices on the territories in a less than transparent way, to be kind”, declares the Dem secretary. Is the wave of the European right also being felt in Liguria where FdI at 26.77% is the most voted party ahead of the PD at 26.29%? “Compared to the latest policies, Fratelli d’Italia has grown little in Liguria, while the Democratic Party has grown by 4% in less than two years, – replies Natale – I believe that is the main political fact, there has been a Democratic Party capable of staying on the problems, reorganize and be less quarrelsome and more attentive to the movements of society”. “In the four capital municipalities in Liguria there is a Democratic Party that is establishing itself with excellent results: – he continues – La Spezia at 30%, Genoa extraordinarily above 30% like Savona, in Imperia where we are increasingly in difficulty we have a gap of 0 .5% from Fratelli d’Italia, reaching over 24%, a remarkable figure. The Democratic Party has returned to doing what it did best: being among the people and contributing to solving problems, there are no other ways”.

Will the European vote have consequences in the Liguria region? I think that the centre-right has not understood the lesson and will do the ultimate spite of the Ligurians by trying to move forward – Natale predicts – with a council that is deaf to the requests of citizens and businesses, deaf and incapable of understanding that the collective interest must come before partisan interest, the sooner they take note of it, the better it is for the Ligurians.”

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