D’Amico wants to take off the black shirt at Lazio – AlessioPorcu.it

50% of the auctions are concentrated in just 5 Regions, with ours accounting for the lion’s share. The Nomisma report and the Confimprese Italia recipe

“We need to give trust to avoid desperate actions”. A few words that explain everything, as he always did Guido D’Amico when he wants to put a theme at the center of a resolving focus and not of a whiny warbling. On the other hand, the theme is one of those that leave no room for dialectical gargling, because there are lives at stakebroken, bent and broken by despair.

Lives interrupted like that of the 60-year-old from Sant’Angelo in Theodicea hamlet of Cassino, which last November he committed suicide after losing his home at auction. He wrote a letter to his family, another to the buyer who had “stolen” his house and that was it.


From the tragedy of Sant’Angelo to today’s appeal

Guido D’Amico (Photo © AG IchnusaPapers)

Putting an end to issues of eviction, insolvency or debt situations on the house: of course the President of Confimprese Italia went straight down with his appeal. He did it because if there is no relationship of trust with those in difficulty, that desperation is fertilized. That existential chasm which is already disastrous even if it doesn’t lead to extreme actions.

But sometimes yes, you get there, and that’s the fact that we don’t have to get there has focused a representative of small and very small businesses is exemplary data. It is because the world of self-employed workers often lives in the reflection of cynical market rules, but for D’Amico cynicism can never be an ingredient for doing business.

The Nomisma report: 170 thousand families in trouble

(Photo © DepositPhotos.com) https://it.depositphotos.com/stock-photography.html

Least of all the silence when tragedies and dramas take place within the social fabric. Which are small episodes in statistics but roars in ethics. The reference data on which D’Amico has based his “crusade” are those relating to a elaboration by Nomisma and supplied by Qbt -Reviva. Data according to which “in 2024, 170 thousand families are at risk of eviction due to debt”. On the basis of this merciless x-ray and, in particular, also of the fact that Lazio is a conspicuous part of it, Confimprese Italia wanted to raise the alarm.

He did it “citing a study” presented by the observatory “Save Your Home”. What is happening, or rather, what has already happened after a dark decade began with the Made in USA sector crisis that hit Europe in 2007/2008? That crisis, increased by the additional difficulties triggered from the pandemic and the geopolitics of war with very strong repercussions on family consumption, opened a black domino. A sequential effect whereby the cost of mortgages has risen.

And with it “the difficulty of creating new contracts, or subrogations/substitutions”as they explain Italia Oggi and La Stampa who accepted D’Amico’s appeal. Therefore, based on this scenario “a is being created unimaginable difficulty in meeting the commitments madewhich leads many credits into situations of default and then to enforcement proceedings”.

Huge sacrifices thwarted

Now, that’s the dark moment: when your primary good, the one on which you have based your entire existence, becomes something no longer yours, but for sale to others “better than you”. Because this is how a person is read, the auctioning of his house: as a social defeat that Confimprese wants to stem, as a perception and as an empirical effect.

The executive procedure in fact “calls into question not only the ownership of the house which was purchased with immense sacrificesbut even the possibility of continuing to live there”.

And the forecasts for the current year are not encouraging: it is expected “a possible increase in auctions, with an estimated number included between 160 thousand and 180 thousand auctions. The increase is monstrous: it is a +12% compared to 2023.

This is why for the president of Confimprese Italia, Guido D’Amico “It is absolutely necessary to have trust to avoid desperate gestures”. The analysis of the deputy vice president was added to his words John Happy. That explains: “It is important to intervene as happened in the United States after the 2007 crisis. And study the way in which the owner can keep the availability of the property. Even in the form of rent and then buying it back later”.

Lazio in the “black top five”

There are more precise and shocking data: From January 1st to June 30th 2023, 59,816 real estate units were put up for auction. We talk about “circa 332 properties per day, including Saturdays and Sundays. 76.82% of these, i.e. 45,951, ended up on sale following the real estate executions”.

And since numbers have tails there is also another 20.11% attributable to expropriations due to insolvency proceedings. These are areas mostly linked to bankruptcies, compositions with creditors, debt restructuring, forced administrative liquidations and over-indebtedness crisis. And the rest 3,07% of real estate units? That instead is the subject of civil litigation. But what is the geography of the phenomenon and the pain it triggers?

The regions that record a higher number of judicial auctions “they are, relatively to the same period: Lombardy, Sicily, Lazio, Campania and Tuscany. Yes also Lazio, that same Lazio where in 2023, for example, in Monterotodo 90 families who lived on Via Salariain houses built with public state funds and then passed to private owners, went under eviction.

The property went bankrupt and the curator put it up for auction. Those citizens had been there since the 1970s, when they were moved from the Fosso di Sant’Agnese area because the administration at that time the Eastern Ring Road had been under construction.

50% of the auctions in 5 Regions

The house keys

The percentages of Lazio and the other “black sheep” regions alone they represent approximately 50% of the auction sales in all of Italy. And from what we learn from the Nomisma study “they count a number of awards well above the average of 2,987 judicial auctions. That’s why D’Amico called for confidence.

And that’s why he did well. Why without trust, wanting darkness forever seems like the only way to goa path that a civilized country should not have on its ethical map. Ever.

(Cover photo © DepositPhotos.com).

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