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Bari transfer market, Favasuli is coming. DS Magalini continues to press for Curto

Bari transfer market, Favasuli is coming. DS Magalini continues to press for Curto
Bari transfer market, Favasuli is coming. DS Magalini continues to press for Curto
Ternana football photos

The first red and white shots have yet to be fired, even though the summer transfer market opened yesterday. Magalini and the trusty Di Cesare are working tirelessly to please mister Longo and give him a squad as ready as possible for the Roccaraso retreat, scheduled for July 10-24. While waiting to find out the program of the friendlies (four, including one with Altamura according to rumors), the fans are eager to see the first new faces.

Sgarbi and Favasuli on the straight

Two-three signings by next weekend. This is the address that is filtering out from the control rooms of Bari, regarding the first arrivals of the transfer market. One of these should now be without a shadow of a doubt Lorenzo Sgarbi, for whom we are only waiting for the OK from Napoli for the white smoke. Yesterday’s day brought Costantino Favasuli even closer to Puglia. Fiorentina has given maximum availability for the transfer. The formula will be that of a loan with the right to redeem and counter-redemption, with Favasuli who is said to be eager to start a new adventure in red and white and take a step forward in growth compared to the good championship played in Terni. Only the last details are missing and we will proceed to put pen to paper and welcome the 2004-born winger, well framed by Longo in his 3-4-2-1.

Other hot deals

Magalini would like to resolve the goalkeeper issue by the weekend, so as to give Longo a new number one with whom he can immediately set up the style of play. The impression is that it will be a ballot between Pigliacelli and Pizzignacco. Leali, sounded out by Magalini, needs too much time to be unlocked, while Semper, liked by Longo, could also stay in Como. Micai, net of the ‘flagship’ speech, does not excite much. This is why the final decision should be based on which of the two goalkeepers offers more guarantees, especially for a style of football, like Longo’s, based on a goalkeeper who is good at setting up the game and, in general, with his feet. The two have already given the ok to the Bari destination, it would be necessary to find an agreement with their respective clubs. Magalini is working, as he is on the sidelines of Como for the defender Curto, another of Mister Longo’s favourites. Here too, the new sporting director of Bari will try to beat the competition and bring the former defender of Südtirol to the training camp, aware of having the right arguments. An expensive and not simple operation, but the feeling is that with an effort by the De Laurentiis company, the negotiation could be concluded positively within the next 10 days.

Midfield and attack

The former Catanzaro player has two other young players from Fiorentina in his sights: Distefano and Bianco. The Viola are aiming to evaluate them both in training camp, with Palladino curious to observe two of the best Under players from last season’s B championship up close. Fiorentina have given their full availability – once the training camp is over – to send Distefano on loan, with Bari being in the front row in this case. It’s more difficult to get Bianco, who Fiorentina seems to want to send to Serie A or even keep in the squad. This is why a name to keep in mind is that of the player of the same role Amatucci, born in 2004. The call with Ascoli for Mendes came to nothing. The parties will meet again in the next few days to try to close the deal.

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