«Our life is like a nightmare» Gazzetta di Modena

«Our life is like a nightmare» Gazzetta di Modena
«Our life is like a nightmare» Gazzetta di Modena

MODENA In recent times we have been witnessing a escalation of violence perpetrated in various contexts (family, work, neighborhood, etc.). We hope that the story we are telling today remains in the sphere of disputes between neighbors. It is the story of a woman who told us how her neighbors are preventing her from living a peaceful life.

«The story begins at the end of the summer of 2019 – she explains – My husband and I have never had any problems with our neighbors relationships significant, at most greetings when we crossed paths, then my neighbor started taking pictures of me and filming me with his cell phone every time I was in front of our gate to clean. I asked him several times to stop, but he continued by saying that some leaves were going in the direction of his gate and that he wanted to document this fact. My husband also repeatedly begged him to stop filming me, but to no avail. In fact, other harassment began on his part, very serious insults, evening and night stakeouts with stupid phrases, of course always only when I was alone. In the presence of my husband (or when he heard that I had guests) he disappeared. In August 2020 he and his wife even blocked the road with one of their cars to prevent us from passing, claiming that leaves from our yard had clogged their pool filter. Naturally, my husband and I reported this serious fact and, after three months, the neighbors in turn filed a complaint, only against me, with a series of incredible slanders.

«After that they did not stop and continued with serious insults towards me, harassment of all kinds (their garbage thrown over the flowerbed several times of flowers next to our gate, well captured by our camera) and other complaints based largely on lies by them and by friends or relatives. The worst thing is that they have installed a series of cameras equipped with microphones thanks to which we are practically under surveillance 24 hours a day.

This has caused in us, especially in me who spends more time at home and in the garden, a perennial state of anxiety, nervousness, physical and mental discomfort which has changed our life habits and those of those who come to visit us, and has forced me to get help from a specialist who had to prescribe specific drugs to be able to tolerate this state of affairs. My husband and I tried to put an end to this affair, even in the presence of each other’s lawyers, by proposing a reasonable agreement for everyone, which however was not accepted. I can’t wait to be able to go before a judge and tell how they are the facts really unfolded».

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