The M5S collapses, the PD disappoints, FdI doubles and Forza Italia continues to grow

The M5S collapses, the PD disappoints, FdI doubles and Forza Italia continues to grow
The M5S collapses, the PD disappoints, FdI doubles and Forza Italia continues to grow

In the comparison between the results of the European elections with the previous ones in 2019, the first significant data essentially emerges and that, that is, the Star Movement has now archived the monstrous percentages obtained in the past and the dreams of glory cultivated in the meantime. Five years ago the Five Star Movement obtained 26.69%, just shy of two hundred thousand votes, in the 2022 elections in the multi-member Chamber of Deputies 29.36%, but today, with the vote almost over, the percentage of the 5 Star Movement has fallen by almost thirteen points to 16 .16% with votes almost halved.

Forza Italia

There Calabria continues to be one of the reference regions for Forza Italia, in 2019 the percentage in the European elections was 13.32%, in the 2022 elections in the multi-member Chamber constituency it was 15.64%, today the Azzurri continue with exponential growth, reaching 18.01%. The result, which rewards Forza Italia and its main exponent Roberto Occhiuto, who in the meantime has become President of the Region and national deputy secretary, will certainly have an impact on the national context.

Brothers of Italy and the League

Even in our latitudes it is the Brothers of Italy (after Renzi, the Five Star Movement and the League) to be the recipient of those bursts of consensus that cyclically project a party to the top of the national rankings. The party of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, which obtained 53,270 personal preferences in Calabria, is now in first place with 20.55%. A doubling compared to five years ago when Fratelli d’Italia achieved 10.26. At the 2022 elections it was around 19%.
The opposite is true for the League whose setback is significant, in 2019 the result of what was the increasingly national and less and less Po Valley League was 22.61%, today the Calabrian voters have assigned it 9.19%, almost 14 percentage points less. However, it is growing compared to the 2022 policies when the percentage was around 5%. If compared to the previous European elections the League therefore marks a clear downsizing, today’s result is still seen in a positive light if compared with the data of the previous elections.

The PD and the left

The In 2019 the Democratic Party reached 18.25%, today it is “satisfied” with 15.92%. In this case, however, it must also be said that in the meantime the Democrats have lost the leadership of the region and suffered a complete upheaval of their internal structure at a national level between splits, abandonments, bold governments and new secretariats. And in any case, the PD figure retreats compared to the previous European ones but increases, albeit slightly, with reference to the 2022 policies when the percentage was 14.71%. The environmentalist and left-wing galaxy proceeded five years ago in no particular order without reaching the threshold of 4%, today the choice of the Green Left Alliance is instead rewarded with 5.94%. Moreover, precisely from our region, in a European context where the wind of the right and nationalism is blowing strongly, a strong identity message emerges, Mimmo Lucano, icon of welcoming migrants and symbol of the Riace model, obtains more than 23 thousand votes in Calabria preferably growing to around 75 thousand in the entire Southern constituency. ([email protected])

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