European. FdI first. PD second. The M5S collapses. League Day | POLITICALLY

European. FdI first. PD second. The M5S collapses. League Day | POLITICALLY
European. FdI first. PD second. The M5S collapses. League Day | POLITICALLY

European elections: Fdi first party, Schlein grows. Fi resurrects and overtakes the League which is deflating like the M5S which collapses. Well Avs. Renzi and Caleda divided outside Europe.

The Ursula majority in Europe holds, the sovereignists are contained. Le Pen’s party wins by a landslide in France, Macron calls elections. The divided centre-right in Europe wins but the opposition is the majority in the country.



ROME – Despite all the slip-ups of the last few days and the policies announced in one way and implemented in another, the Meloni’s party is still growing and the share is at 28.9%, which is good, even better than forecast, even the Democratic party to guide Schlein which reaches 24.5. The M5S collapses and collapses to 10.5%, followed by FI-Nm which reaches 9.2% and surpasses the “worker” League Salvini which stops at 8.5% despite Vannacci’s “Italianness”. Good for too AVS (Bonelli And Fratoianni) which goes to 6.8%, well above forecasts, rejoices and brings Ilaria Salis in Strasbourg. United States of Europe of the duo Renzi-Bonino after the last projection at 3.9%, below the 4% threshold, the same for Action of Carlo Calendar which with 3.2% remains far from Strasbourg.

Results which, however, do not hide the strength abstentionism which reached the new historical record of 49.67% of those entitled. One in two Italians did not go to the polls. In 2019, abstention was 54.5%, ever lower than in previous years.

A fact and a trend, which underlines how both the majority and the oppositions, including the Parties that compose them, are not representative and are unable to convince voters, as well as not being at all representative and not very reliable given the sudden changes in line politics depending on whether they are in government or opposition

Meanwhile, due to the wind blowing in Europe which has shaken all the Chancelleries there Giorgia Meloni extinct, in fact, although her Government is not the majority of the country at the polls, it is the only case in Europe of a prime minister in office winning the elections, a favorable circumstance for Italy which presents itself at the G7 and in Europe with all the cards in order and with the strongest government of all. “A vote, this, more beautiful than that of 2022“, – “Giorgia” told journalists (Ansa) – “after two years of government in the worst possible situation. The vote told us “we do not hope that you are but you are“.

The secretary of the PD is not easy to handle Elly Schlein who rejoices from the Nazarene but at the same time takes responsibility for the country to build a valid alternative to the right”It’s an extraordinary result for us, we are the party that grows the most from politics and now we have to work, but be stubbornly united to build the alternative, also because the sum of the opposition exceeds that of the majority“.

On the contrary, the 5 stars e Giuseppe Contevisibly disappointed with the result, announced: “an internal reflection taking note of the result, certainly very disappointing. We could have done better, but the citizens’ assessment is unquestionable“. They certainly paid for their positions on international policies, but also for their lack of local roots.

What is rejoicing instead is Antonio Tajani: “An extraordinary result, Forza Italia is growing compared to all the last elections, from tonight, the centre-right and the EPP are stronger”. An extraordinary result, especially after the various takeover bids launched by FdI after Berluscoli’s death. Tajani’s moderate line worked, and it pushed people away too the possible clouds over the majority, given the internal divergence caused by the League on the European sovereignist path. Now we are thinking about the role of FI in Europe and the formation of the new one EU Commission.

Maurizio Lupi of Noi Moderati, who ran together with Fi, announced: “The center is in the centre-right, from next week, once the vote flows have been carefully analysed. A reflection on this must also be done in light of the results at the European Championships of the FI-Nm list and those of Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda”. Instead it is a funeral in via Bellerio, headquarters of the League in Milan where it is Matteo Salvini first to not hide the disappointment and bitterness both for the result obtained and for the overtaking of Forza Italua, but also for the bitter slap received from Umberto Bossifor the “betrayal” of the founder of the League, who at the polls declared he would vote for Forza Italia. Will the count begin or will they lock themselves in the “cave” to manage the “loot” in their Government position? AND Vannacci? Certainly the League, which was hoping to make a breakthrough, only agreed to give him a seat in Strasbourg.

SEAT FORECAST IN STRASBOURG – Meanwhile, according to the first estimate made by Opinio Italia for Rai – la League would obtain 6/8 seats compared to the 29 it had in 2019; Brothers of Italy instead it quadruples its representation from the current 6 to the future ones 23-25. The PD goes from 19 seats to 20-22. Forza Italia 7 seats and would have between 7 and 9. Il 5 Star Movementfrom 14 to 8-10 seats. AVS it should have 5 to 7 seats.

Rome, 10 June 2024

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