Prayer to Mary, 9 June. The sacred image comes to life and a miracle occurs

A moment of distraction is about to cost a woman dearly, but instead, incredibly, it will become an opportunity to live an extraordinary experience.

Jacopina usually stops to pray in front of the painting of the Madonna of Monsummano, but that day something unique happens.

Prayer to Mary 9 June. Madonna-Fontenuova (Photo web source)

The woman is a shepherdess. She is intent on carrying out her duty, but like her, every day she stops to dedicate a prayer to the Madonna.

As absorbed as she is in prayer the woman forgets to watch over her flock, when he turns around he realizes that his sheep are no longer there. She is shocked, the only thing she can do is return to the Virgin’s feet and beg for her help to find them. Tears in my eyes and heart swollen with pain they move the Madonna. The painting begins to come to life.

In front of Jacopina there is the Madonna herself, alive, she can almost touch her, but she doesn’t dare. Our Lady smiles at her and so peace descends into the heart of the young shepherdess. Then the Madonna with a gesture of her hand indicates her direction, she understands that she would find the flock there. This is how it happens. She is reassured by the discovery and realizes that she was the protagonist of a true miracle. She decides to tell it, also because Our Lady has entrusted her with a message.

Our Lady’s request.

Jacopina goes to the rector of San Nicola and tells him everything, including the request made by the Virgin Mary. She asked that a church be built in the place of the apparition. The news spreads and numerous people go on pilgrimage. Initially a tabernacle is built around the image and from the year following the miracle on 9 June the local community goes there in procession.

Jacopina sees the Madonna (photo web source)

On 10 June 1602 the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Pietro Fanciullacci, passed on horseback in front of the venerated image. At that moment there is a group of people praying. Initially his reaction is… in disbelief, smiles and moves on. He takes a few steps forward, loses his sight, and is immediately overcome with remorse for having offended those people in his heart. He goes back and stops in front of the painting of the Madonna, begs for forgiveness. The repentance is sincere, forgiveness is granted and the man recovers his sight. As a sign of gratitude he collaborated in the construction of the sanctuary and from this moment on he had a sincere devotion to the Madonna throughout his life.

Another miracle occurs before the construction of the Sanctuary. A few steps from the newsstand one day a spring of water flows, everyone drinks it, it is clear, clean and crystalline. Word of this miracle also spread quickly. In fact, the other name by which this devotion is known is alla Madonna of the New Source.

Prayer to the Madonna of Monsummano

OR Most pure Mother of the Son of God and Our most tender mother, we invoke you with the sweet title of Fontenova, because you are truly the mystical source of all the graces that we ask of your Son Jesus through your intercession. Do, oh good Mother, may this source be relief from so much suffering which each of us and all of humanity is afflicted with.

This source of thanks find in us open ground to receive celestial gifts who will be able to make it fruitful, so that our life is enriched with a promising flowering of abundant spiritual fruits. We will therefore be devoutly using this water certain of your help. We ask you that the healing water of your Source can raise our souls to supernatural feelings and the fruitful of faith, hope and charity and effectively cure our spiritual and temporal ills………

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