Ryan Reynolds and the first meeting with Hugh Jackman

Ready to kick off the summer season with its debut set for July 24th, the Marvel cinecomic “Deadpool & Wolverine” promises with the unprecedented pairing of the two superheroes in a single return to win over fans after the somewhat disappointing results of the latest MCU titles. After the record of online pre-sales last May, which recorded around eight million in revenue in the first 24 hours, analysts show clear optimism for box office forecasts.

Not by chance, “Deadpool & Wolverine” carries the heavy burden of putting Marvel Studios productions back on the right tracks, after the increasingly alarming decline in interest from both the fanbase and the casual public, not to mention the evident collapse in quality of films and television series which has forced the studios to redefine their plans for the future. With the choice to have Hugh Jackman appear for the first time in the MCU, the historic interpreter of Wolverine in the “X-Men” film saga, Marvel demonstrates that it is putting all its cards at its disposal to create a title that cannot afford to fail . More generally, the return of the actor in the role of the well-known superhero was a surprise that surprised everyone, initially considered his desire, after “Logan” in 2017, to definitively abandon the character.

In an interview with People, the Australian actor revealed that he found himself in a very different situation at the time than today: «I had gotten to the point, about 10 years ago, where I wasn’t appreciating it. He was hurting me. It was tough. But I took a break and did a lot of dancing. I’ve been busy with live shows at the theater. And so when I came back, it was actually fun.” After a period of rest in which he was able to dedicate himself to other commitments, Jackman therefore wanted to please fans by wearing the adamantium claws once again. And Ryan Reynolds himself, interpreter of Deadpool, confirmed that he had found his colleague in great shape: «When Hugh Jackman is coming towards you at the speed of 150 Australian miles per hour, it seems to you that there is no way in which you won’t be dead in four seconds because he won’t stop in time and you will be decapitated. And I will never forget it. And thank goodness I wear a mask, because there under my face he said: oh God!

Among the many anecdotes, Reynolds couldn’t help but recall the first time he met Jackman on set. This happened during the filming of “X-Men Origins – Wolverine” in which the character Deadpool also appears for the first time, although with a completely different look from the current one. With a heartfelt nod of thanks to his scene partner, the actor revealed: «I was walking among the trailers, jet-lagged, disoriented, feeling really inexperienced and a little lost, and there was no script to light. And I heard my name: Ryan!… And it was Hugh. Just the fact that he knew my name meant a lot to me. And he came over, he hugged me and said: welcome aboard.”

In addition to a partnership that promises to spark, what else can we expect from this promising title? First of all, the past statements of actor Karan Soni should not be forgotten, who assured fans of the presence of a long series of cameos and references to previous Marvel titles. As if that wasn’t enough, the creator of the Deadpool character, Rob Liefeld, recently confirmed in a post on the post-credits scene of the film will leave everyone absolutely amazed.

To the message from the scooper who wrote: «(The post-credits scene) will be so shocking that I can’t believe they managed to do it without anyone knowing about it», Liefield replied in the affirmative, implicitly validating and confirming his positions. Is it once again the appearance of superheroes from different cinematic universes, as happened with Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield for “Spider-Man: No Way Home”? All we have to do is wait a little longer to find out.

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